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Friends stalk other people instagram accounts to find their account because they can't ask for the username themselves.

That's a normal friend thing to do.

Amity Blight sits tucked into her bedsheets, searching through Willow's instagram page. She doesn't tag people in things, and her tagged page is filled with people who aren't Luz. Why does she do so many things?

And Amity's more focused on the posts of Luz Willow had on her account.

So Luz could climb trees, and she also had a middle finger. And the tree she was sat on, her legs dangling off of the highest branch on the tall tree, wasn't a familiar one. Amity knew the entire town, she knew every tree, every blade of grass. She knew the small stream that flows just on the outskirts, and the abandoned train-tracks that were close-by it. But she didn't recognise the old tree Luz was photographed on, so Luz goes out of town, noted.

Her middle finger and thumb are very rudely sticking out, chipped black nail polish on her nails. That black band the girl wears is on the middle finger, she's wearing a dusty green jacket, and black skinny jeans. And that beanie that's falling to bits.

what an ugly tree creature

Tree creature? Amity doesn't think that's an actual name for any animal family, but she doesn't care. She goes back to scrolling through Willow's account, seeing if Luz had commented on anything.

There's a video, Luz has her guitar in her lap. Amity doesn't recognise the song she's playing, but there is so many people around her. The video isn't long, but at the very end, when everyone claps at Luz. She looks up from the guitar. And she's just so pretty, she has a genuine smile on her face. Her chocolate eyes lighting up as Willow woos from behind the screen. It only lasts a second before it goes back to the start of the video.

That's a normal friend thing to think.

The last photo there is of Luz is of one of her friends. Gus. Taking a photo of her, she's smoking something. In front of a no smoking sign, staring up to the sky as if she was watching a bird, knowing Luz she probably did. And upon further inspection, the gods answered by Willow's beautiful caption.

results on @ gustakesphotos

Gus probably tags his friends in posts, so she taps on the name. He does take photos, a lot of them actually.

There's a lot of wildlife, there's a whole section of photos of just him, Willow and Luz camping. He's good at taking photos, but not good at picking usernames.

There's so many photos of Luz, and Willow, but she isn't friends with Willow. Not anymore.

There's a photo of her in a pool. She's laying down face first, it looks like she has drowned. But her shirt floats in the water, revealing a scar that travelled up her spine. Only a glimpse of it, yet Amity's curious.

But, not curious enough to not see the small icon of a person in the bottom left corner. When she taps on it and 'luzura420' pops up underneath Luz's head she feels like squealing. Maybe her luck hasn't ran out completely.

She isn't even surprised her username is luzura420, it's such a Luz username. Why she didn't try it? She doesn't know, but she finally had her account.

Now she could follow her friends account, because Luz is just a friend.

Luz seems to post what she wants when she wants. There's so many photos of her and Willow, her and Gus, and Eda, which is shocking at first since Amity never clicked onto the fact Luz was the only other worker than Eda herself in the owl house. So, they were friends, and there were so many of King. Just King, Luz seemed to like King.

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