Part 2

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Meredith couldn't help but notice the stares and whispering come from the nurses at the nurses station as her and Derek moved through the hospital.

"Ignore the gossip." Derek said as Meredith twirled to face him.


"The gossiping, you get used to it, clearly they have nothing better to do." Derek said a bit louder, watching as the nurses went wide eyed and moved on with their day.

"When do you get so confident and cocky?" Meredith asked, raising her eyebrow Derek.

"What can I say, I had a good teacher back in the day." Derek said winking at her playfully.

"Mmm." Meredith replied, thinking back to their days back in med school.

"No way, Meredith Grey!" A loud booming voice came from the other side of the corridor as mark jogged up to them.

"Mark Sloan, in the flesh and blood." Meredith said as her and Mark embraced in a hug.

"Look at you, you're all grown up." Mark said stepping back and taking her in.

"We are the same age. Anyways." She said hitting his shoulder, watching as he frowned. "That's for getting my little sister pregnant." Meredith said crossing her arms over her chest.

"What? I did no such thing you don't even..." the realisation hit Mark as she realised who she was on about.

Meredith raised her eyebrows and nodded her head as Mark looked at her gobsmacked.

"No way, Lexie is little Grey." He said running her hands through his hair. "She never said anything?" He said frowning again.

"We only found out about each other recently, I can't believe you've settled down, look at you, I'm so proud." She laughed as she pinched his cheeks, laughing more as she swatted away her hand.

Derek stood back and watched as the two of them bonded again, he had always been a fan of their friendship and was glad that nothing had changed. Well, at least this hadn't changed.

"You'll have to come round for food one day, I can even cook now." Mark said, standing there looking proud of himself.

"That sounds good to me, Derek?" Meredith said, turning to face him as she shook him of out of his day dream.

"Oh yeah, we will sort something." Derek said smiling at the pair.

"Yeah, you'll have to bring Melissa along." Mark said, looking down at his phone completely unaware of the awkward tension he had just created. "Right, better be going, Lexie wants foods and what she wants, she gets. See you later big Grey." He said jogging off towards the canteen.

Derek stood there with a frown on his face as Meredith turned to him all confused.

"Who's Melissa?" She asked.

"Oh, she's, well..." Derek shuttered, suddenly not knowing how to answer. "She's my fiancé." He said as he rubbed the back of his head, waiting for her reaction.

Meredith tried not to show any sign of hurt or jealously at hearing that Derek was engaged. Of course he had met someone new, it had been years since they had seen each other.

"Congratulations." Meredith said, with a forced smile on her face, which she knew Derek would see straight through.

"Meredith..." Derek said as he moved to comfort her.

"No derek, seriously I'm super happy for you! She's a lucky girl." Meredith said as she squeezed his arm. "So shall we continue with the tour?" Meredith said, desperate for a change of subject.

"Right the tour." Derek said as he glanced at his watch. "Actually, it's time for us to head to the meeting, guessing that's where you will meet everyone else. Just this way." He allowed her to start walking ahead of her before following her and guiding her in the right direction.

They walked in silence, neither of them having no idea what to say.

"Dr Grey, Dr Shepherd." Richard said as he walked up to them. "Thank you for doing that Derek. You ready Meredith?" He asked as she nodded her head and left Derek alone.

Sighing to himself, he moved inside and grabbed a seat, desperate for this day to be over already. His phone buzzed and he looked down to find a text from Melissa.

'Don't forget dinner with my parents, don't be late and make sure you're there, they want to discuss wedding plans, love you x'

Derek closed his eyes and sighed before quickly typing out his response and placing his phone back in his pocket. Then he felt Mark drop himself down into the chair next to him and hand him a bottle of water.

"Did I miss anything?" Mark asked, settling himself in his chair.

"No, hasn't been started yet." Derek said keeping his eyes on Meredith as she stood at the front of the room with Richard.

"Stop staring at Grey like that?" Mark said as Derek turned to frown at him.

"Like what?"

"Like you've seen her naked or want to get her naked and be..." Mark was interrupted as Richard began to address the room, which Derek was entirely grateful for.

"Afternoon everyone, will keep this short and sweet as I know a lot of you have got surgeries to get to but I would like to introduce you to Dr Meredith Grey, our new general surgeon." Richard announced as he moved back and allowed Meredith to step forward.

"She will be working closely with a lot of you so be nice." Richard said as he heard the whispers start up, clearly clocking on that Meredith was the daughter of the one and only Ellis Grey.

"Meredith, would you like to say a few words." He said allowing Meredith to live forward.

"Hey, I hate doing speeches so I won't waste too much of your time." Meredith said causing a few people to laugh. "It's an honour to be here and I can't wait to work with all of you." She said as she looked round the room, her eyes meeting Derek's as he stared at her intensely.

"Right, that's all, back to surgery." Richard said clapping his hands as people started to move, breaking Meredith and Derek's eye contact.

Standing up, Derek did his best to get to Meredith but was stopped in his tracks as he saw her talking to Bailey. Deciding now wasn't the time, he headed out and back to his office to wait out the time until his surgery.

He felt sick to his stomach as he collapsed in his chair and picked up the photo he had hidden in his desk of him, Meredith, Mark and Addison. He smiled as how happy they were, at simple life was back then. If he had just gone with her then maybe they would be together now but he was so career driven and now he had lost for good.

He had Melissa and Meredith was bound to have someone, she had to, she was gorgeous. Never had he thought about another women since being with Melissa, he had settled but now Meredith was back it was bound to stir up some past feelings.

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