Epilogue - Almighty Sinnoh

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"Finally, Aaron you're awake to join us!"

As I made my way through the front door of the main house, May's voice called out to from across town. Everyone was gathered round and even from where I was stood, I could see that something important was going on. I made my way across town, seeing that the four trainers I had fought beside throughout Sinnoh where gathered near to the central shrine.

Shaymin was sat beside Dawn, Jirachi floating next to May. Red and Mew were sat a little away from the group while Meloetta filled the town with her melodic voice. Elaine turned to me, a half serious look on her face.

There was a flash of light from my side as Darkrai released itself from its pokeball. Each of the five mythical pokemon gathered at the center of the group, their trainers standing up to join them. As I looked around, I realised what was happening, a bittersweet feeling rising through my body.

"W-Wait, Jirachi, do you have to go so soon?"


Both May and Red spoke the same words. I knew they both worked tirelessly to come face to face with the two pokemon by their sides. The wish pokemon had a small smile on its face, Mew mirroring the pokemon beside it.

I looked over, seeing that Elaine and Dawn both felt the same. The five pokemon before us all seemed to be more than perfect matches for us but I knew that something like this couldn't last forever.

"We can't help it guys. It's the natural order of the world and they all have to roam free."

As I spoke, that seemed to clear the air. It took a while, but we all said our goodbyes to the mythical pokemon. Even though we were going our separate ways, I had a feeling this wouldn't the last time we saw them. Fate had a funny way of coming full circle so who knows what was next for each of us.

From the looks of it, the mythical pokemon didn't want to leave our sides but they all knew that they had to leave. After a prolonged farewell, the four pixie pokemon flew off into the sunset.

That left only Darkrai. The nightmare pokemon had a calm look on its face, its glowing blue eyes rife with emotion that I didn't think it could have. The dark type gave me quick nod before vanishing into the air, leaving the five of us alone at the edge of the town.

Each of the four trainers went their separate ways, dealing with their goodbyes in different ways. That left me alone at the edge of town as I looked out over the mountainous scenery below.

Then before I knew it, something had tackled me from my side, pinning me to the floor. I couldn't save myself from the beast that had caught my by surprise.

A huge smile made its way onto my face, seeing a certain fire type once again. Arcanine nuzzled me with all of his built up happiness, adding in the odd appreciative lick here and there.

After a while, I eventually stood to my feet, pulling the fire type into a tight hug. It had been a while since I had last seen him but now that he was here, it only meant one thing.

"So you saved the world again, young Aaron."

A familiar deep voice spoke out from a small distance away. I turned my eyes, seeing a taller man with a fiery orange mane of hair looking my way. His lips were spread tight, a neutral expression on his face.

"Lysandre, you-"

"I only did what I was asked to. That Darkrai is the exact same as you." He shook his head as he spoke, raising his hand to his head.

Even though he didn't show it, I could see that Lysandre was a different man than when he came to Sinnoh for the first time. Standing beside one of my earliest partners only added to the joy I was feeling.

-Blessed by Divinity: Eternity-Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum