A Titanic Clash

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"Archie! Maxie! You don't have anywhere to run now!"

I stared across the large empty warehouse, face to face with the same two people who threatened to destroy my home region a few years back. I had hoped that their acts of villainy had come to an end once they realised how ridiculous their goals were. But as I stood face to face with them, it was clear that something new had brought about their return.

Not only that, the two team leaders seemed to be working alongside each other. Even after years of conflict between the two near opposite organisations, somehow they must have worked out their differences but that didn't change the goal for me.

The two of them were still a threat to the world and no matter who they worked with, but it didn't change the fact that I would stop them. I looked over to Blaziken who had kept her eyes fixed on the two people stood at the other end of the near empty warehouse.

We had managed to track these two down to Eterna City, on the other side of the central mountain range. It didn't take us long to pinpoint them to this abandoned warehouse but then again I didn't expect much from someone who wanted to turn the entire planet into an ocean and the other who wanted to dry up all of the planet's water.

 "Well, it looks like we meet again May. You have been a thorn in our sides for quite some time so I suppose we should have expected this."

"Hmph, Maxie, you haven't changed at all. Why are you telling this kid about that?"

Even if the two team leaders appeared to be working together, they still had their differences. Maxie, the leader of Team Magma, had a very pragmatic approach with everything he set out to do. So, it didn't surprise me that he was stating the obvious here, even to Archie's dismay. In contrast, the Team Aqua leader had a very different philosophy, in that he acted as I would expect a common street thug to.

"Yeah so you should know that even both of you together couldn't keep up with me now. There's nowhere to run."

Blaziken followed my statement, letting out an assertive roar which echoed through the empty warehouse. Truthfully, I hadn't taken the stealthy approach to this, opting to confront the two head on. But now that I had their attention, I had some time to observe our surroundings.

Most of the crates and towering shelves were empty, which gave the impression that this place was abandoned. That, of course, must have been what they were going for, not wanting any unnecessary attention while stationed here. Their real setup must have been elsewhere, likely in an underground base beneath where we were stood.

At first I was confused as to why the two team leaders were on the front lines but as I looked closer, I saw a large machine stood behind the two. There was only an LED screen from what I could see and even then I couldn't read anything on display because of how far apart we were.

"Archie, you should make preparations for our next phase. I won't be far behind." Maxie turned to the man beside him, a stern expression on his face.

"I sure don't like taking orders from you but whatever." The taller man looked over to me, his characteristic smile on his face as he turned away, disappearing behind a row of shelves.

Blaziken and I didn't hesitate to close the distance between us and our opponent, now a few feet from the entrance behind us. Whatever Maxie and Archie were planning, we would see to it that they were thwarted here.

But before we took another careful step, Maxie raised a pokeball, holding it out to us menacingly. Of course, Blaziken and I weren't intimidated but that didn't stop the ex Magma leader from going on his usual spiel about how he would stop us here and whatever else he was talking about. Honestly, I had heard it all before so I drowned out what he was saying, focusing on the inevitable battle ahead.

-Blessed by Divinity: Eternity-Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt