A New Goal

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Somewhere near South Sinnoh

"Espeon, Froslass, how many times do I have to tell you?"

The journey from Jubilife City all the way to Sage Town was tiresome but we were making good progress. I could see that everyone was tired out and tensions were running a little high, mostly between the two pokemon before me.

We were gathered in a clearing between a forest and a stream which was running nearby. From our elevated position, we could see Sage Town on the coast below the mountain. Primarina and Altaria were resting by the riverside, just outside of the clearing but within earshot. Both Espeon and Froslass were arguing over a berry tree the two of them stumbled across.

I didn't know the details about who found it first but I didn't think it mattered. Neither of the pokemon looked prepared to back down, wanting first pick of the berries. I let out a deep breath, thinking of the best way to calm everyone down.

Now that I was adventuring across a region with only my pokemon, I thought that I'd be able to relive those same experiences from years ago, when I was travelling across the Kalos region. I was always surrounded by pokemon trainers, very experienced ones at that. People like Aaron and Calem had unbreakable connections with their pokemon, even when they had just met them.

At that time, I didn't appreciate how different that made those two. They would always push each other to new heights, able to excel with the help of their pokemon. As I stood in front of two members of my team arguing over some berries, I now realised how different we were.

"I've got an idea."

As I spoke up, the two pokemon turned away from each other, looking at me curiously. I had a small smile on my face as I reached up to pick two sitrus berries. With a berry in each hand, I asked both pokemon to move back a little. Both pokemon continued to watch me curiously as they moved a few feet back.

Then in one swift motion, I threw both berries straight up into the sky. Both pokemon looked at each other confused before turning back to me. I kept silent, picking two more berries from the tree and throwing them into sky.

"Use your psychic powers to catch the berries! The more you catch, the more you can have!"

Quickly, the two pokemon turned to face each other, their competitive spirits showing again. I let out a short sigh, as the the two began using their psychic moves to catch the berries as I continued to pick them from the tree and throw them into the sky.

Even though the two pokemon were competing against each other, I could see how much they were enjoying themselves. As the three of us enjoyed our time together under the sun, I finally appreciated how much these pokemon meant to me. They were the entire reason I was able to start my journey so I owed everything to them.

And now I realise that. Aaron and Calem must have already known something so simple but with this, I was now able to understand my pokemon better than ever. Now that I was able to get onto the same page as my pokemon, I was sure that we could excel to new heights.

The next time I saw Aaron, I was going to make sure that I was a trainer on his level.

-Blessed by Divinity: Eternity-Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt