Battle at the End of the Void

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"Landorus use earthquake!"

The abundance pokemon let out a deafening roar, soaring into the sky as he summoned his innate elemental power. Aegislash disappeared into the shadows as the island began shaking once more. The outer edges of the floating island crumbled away into the void, the smaller islands surrounding us also disrupted by the violent shaking.

"Now Aegislash! Close combat!"

In an instant, the royal sword appeared beside his opponent, hands at the ready. Landorus was taken by surprise as Aegislash wailed on him from a blindside, forcing the ground type to the floor.

Just as Landorus was about to crash into the floor, he recovered, calling on a well of draconic energy as he fought for dominance. Both pokemon were quickly entangled in close quarters combat, each throwing all of their weight in each swing.

Aegislash brought his offhand down over his opponent's head and at the same time, Landorus struck his tail directly into the royal sword's body. The two pokemon were thrust to the ground in front of Cyrus and I.

Both pokemon were on their last legs but even still they returned to the fight, unable to admit defeat just yet. Aegislash looked back to me, nodding to tell me he was ready to go all out. I quickly nodded back to him, calling out our next move, "End this with steel beam!"

 "Hmph, Landorus finish this with hyper beam!"

In a flash, both pokemon had put their all into their next attacks. Landorus fired a huge pink and white coloured beam of energy, Aegislash returning fire with a deep metallic silver blast of energy. The two attacks met at the centre of the island as both pokemon fought for dominance.

The danger was tangible in the air. The uncertain environment of the Distortion World affected the battlefield, my fighter's instinct telling not to let this move hit at all costs.

Both pokemon were locked in an intense stalemate for what seemed like forever but neither pokemon was backing down. Just then, there was a huge explosion, a thick smoke cloud rolling over the battlefield.

After an eternity, the smoke faded away, both pokemon breathing heavily as they kept their eyes trained on each other. Then at the same time, Aegislash and Landorus collapsed to the floor, unable to continue the fight.

Cyrus and I were left astounded at the result of the battle. Seeing how much both pokemon poured into each move, I was surprised that they were able to last as long as they did.

"Aaron, I stand before you not to defeat you, but to test your strength. If you cannot even defeat me here, then you coming here was a waste. Show me the fruits of your training and divine power!"

I paused for a moment, reaching for a pokeball. Something about the way Cyrus was talking didn't sit right with me. "It almost sounds like you want me to win Cyrus."

"Hmph, you should focus on the battle as we are not done yet. Silvally, it is your time."

At that, Cyrus released his next pokemon though I was surprised by what I saw. As he called out his pokemon's name, its appearance did not match with the creature I had in mind.

The fins atop its head were coloured with a rainbow gradient, ranging from deep crimson to bright violet. Its tail fins were also scaled in a similar way. The pokemon had a pitch black ring around the centre of its body, one that resembled an arc I didn't think I would see here.

The image I had in mind was a golden archaic ring, but this one emanated nothingness, like the void. It was clear that something was missing from the pokemon but at the same time, this was Silvally's most complete form.

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