13. Did we time travel through that tunnel?

Start from the beginning

I wanted to argue but Summer spoke.

'Let's just buy the horse and go on our way.' She said and we bought two horse.

'But before that, can I ask you a question?' I ask and he nodded

'What's with this place? It feels like it was cut off from civilization and the time?' I ask

He look at us and before answering.

'Well, how should i answer this, its not like this place is left out or cut off the civilization, you would think that time in this place had stop. But no, the place is not entirely cut in civilization as you can see..' He said and showing his converse shoes and getting something in his pocket and showed a smartphone at us 'We know the latest technology and anything at the present, we have electricity too its just the place, rumor says that it was preserve for someone.' He explain vaguely.

'Someone?' I ask.

'I cant really give you a correct answer but you should ask the townspeople when you arrive, they'll sure fill you in in what's happening in this place. Nonetheless welcome to the North of Scotland.' He said

We rode our horses, if they know about the latest technology then at least they should have the car, oh well, with this kind road the car will just break down.

I sighed, this sure is frustrating i never thought that the journey and adventure that will experience will be like this. I thought it would be easy but with our situation right now who knows what might happen here!

My legs is starting to get hurt, i can feel the pain seething through. I look at Summer, in her front is Raven while Threetail was left walking on his own. I was expecting her to be uncomfortable but the woman was grinning as if enjoying this journey.

'You sure are having fun huh?!' I said and she turn her head to me still grinning.

'Yup. It's been a long time since I had an adventure, in the past i use to travel a lot. When I attained the freedom that I wanted i went to a lot of places, not planning anything.' She answered

So thats why she's been grinning and excited the whole time, she was in slumbered for so long and was away from her family for so long too, she must be missing them so much.

'Do you want me to show you around, I  mean show you the places that I've been?' she beamed at me excitedly.

'Sure, that be awesome.' I replied. 'By the way I can't wait to meet your parents.' I said and she stiffen...'Y-Yeah..' she said almost whisperedly.

Wait. Are they even still alive? I know that pureblood vampire live very long than us werewolves but... I guess i should just see it for myself when I see them. I look at her, maybe I can ask her some info about her family.

'Hey, can you tell me about your family?' I ask

She turned her head to her side and eyed me then back to the road. She was hesitating and that kinda aggravates me.'Hmmm... My parents are still alive for sure, I have two older brothers. Adrien is the second oldest and Alister is the oldest.' She said

I notice that her brothers name all started in the letter A, now that I think about it, Cass the half human half pureblood once said that their are no Xavier pureblood family.

'What's your real name Summer?' I blurted out, I wasn't planning in asking that all I was just asking that in my head and the way I said sound accusing.

I guess this is better, when I first heard about it that Summer might be not her name i was curious and angry, how can she not tell me her real name?! I have the right to get angry right?! I mean she's my mate and I never lied to her.... I even told her about my brothers secret! 'Tell me the truth!' I ask with a growl.

'It's Summer!' She suddenly snapped at me while glaring as if accusing me from something. 

What the fuck?!

'The fuck!' I hiss my temper suddenly erupted Summer or whatever her real name is never snap at me like this and with all the things that I don't know about her pisses me off more.If I don't get out of here I might say something that I might regret later so I nudge kick the horse to run.

Fuck this.... She just snap at me.... and here I am already getting away from her. To be honest I don't know how to handle this, now that I think about it it's our first fight. We just exchange a few words and we have this already. Fuck me!


Enjoy reading.


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