bonus chapter 2 | the honeymoon

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"Stop apologising, Rio." I tell him, getting up from the bed knowing that I'm only wearing a black thong and nothing else.

I approach him and wrap my arms around his waist, resting my head against his chest and catch a glimpse of myself in the large mirror from across the room.

There are a few red marks along my neck too. Jesus Christ. How many hickeys did he leave on me last night?

"I love you." I tell him as I tighten my grip around his waist.

He nuzzles his face into the crook of my neck, before kissing my shoulder softly. "I love you more."

Sure buddy, you keep telling yourself that. Whatever helps you sleep at night.

"Do they hurt?" He asks, pulling back and holding the back of my head with his hands as I look up at him.

I shake my head, trying my best to reassure him that I'm fine. "No. I am a bit sore though." I tell him honestly and he frowns again, sighing as he drops his eyes down to the floor.

"Let me run you a bath." He suggests and I roll my lips together, not about to decline the appealing gesture.

He plants a gentle kiss on the tip of my nose and walks off to the huge ceramic oval bathtub which is right by the steps that lead down to our small private beach.

There are few walls in our suite, but the ones we have are made purely of bamboo, with long wooden logs holding it all up. It's just paradise. Like something you'd only see in a movie.

I sit down on the end of the bed as Rio runs the bath, adding bubble mixture and god knows what else into it. While he's not looking, I quickly take another look at my legs and rub the red patches of skin.

Rio is such a caring and attentive lover but sometimes he gets a little carried away, hence the marks. I let him though. I like it. Not necessarily the amount of marks they leave behind, but the fact that he feels comfortable enough to be like that with me.

Now he's going to be trying to do anything he can to make me feel better, even though I'm absolutely fine. It's cute though and under no circumstances will I be stopping him.

I bite on the inside of my mouth as I watch him, admiring how his black shorts hug his muscular legs and show off his incredible ass. He has a really nice ass.

"There," he says as he turns around, feeling pleased with himself that he's taken step one to help me. "Do you need help getting into it?"

"I mean.. you could carry me I guess." I reply sweetly, playing on this far more than I probably should.

He doesn't even give it another thought before he walks over to me and scoops me up into his arms, taking me by surprise because I wasn't actually expecting him to do it. I was waiting for a sarcastic remark or something.

A small laugh escapes my lips as he carries me towards the bathtub and carefully places me into it. I stand up and he flicks his eyes up to mine, silently asking for permission to remove my underwear.

I nod my head and he tucks his fingers into the hem, pulling them down my legs as I hold onto his shoulders to balance myself. Once they're off, he holds onto my hand and helps me sit down, running his fingers through my hair as the warm water splashes up onto me.

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