ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴛʜɪʀᴛᴇᴇɴ

712 18 3

"I hope you all won't forget to study for our upcoming exam." The teacher said, signaling that the lesson was over. Most of the students immediately rushed out. It was Friday, no one wanted to stay longer than they had to. They all wanted to spend time with their friends.

(Y/n) was pretty slow to pack up his things, practically dragging himself out of the classroom. "(L/n), did you sort things out with your friend?" (T/n)-sensei asked while walking past him, locking the classroom as soon as he had walked out. "I'm... Still working on it..."

"I don't want to push you, but you should get over with it as quick as possible. The exam that is coming up is a really important one, and if you don't want to fail because you can't concentrate, you should just forget about whatever happened." Her words made him angry.

'She's talking like Chihiro is an object that I can just abandon and pick back up whenever I want to. I would pay to be able to give her a piece of my mind.' Though, (y/n) knew better than that. It would be pointless trouble for him.

"I appreciate your advice, (t/n)-sensei, but I think I'm the one that knows how to handle this situation the best. Have a nice weekend." Without waiting for her response, the (h/c) haired male quickly walked off, not wanting to hear this woman's voice anymore. 'What a bad teacher...'

He kept his eyes down, watching his feet that were carrying him out of the large building. As soon as he stepped out though, he felt a pair of eyes on him and stopped walking, looking around. There was no one around, at least no one that was looking at him.

'Strange... I thought I was feeling someone's eyes on me just now... Am I going crazy? I guess this weekend is a good opportunity for me to rest.' He shook the uncomfortable feeling of being watched off. 'Maybe I could watch a movie when I get home.'

Just as he stepped out of the gates, he heard a pair of hurried footsteps behind him. Whoever it was, the person seemed to be sprinting. 'Better step aside before whoever it is runs into my back.' Stepping aside, the reserve course student began looking through his phone, acting busy.

"U-Ummm... (Y/n)...? Excuse me...? Ummm..." His (e/c) orbs looked everywhere but behind him. He didn't want to have this conversation with this person. Not now, not today. He wouldn't be able to have a nice weekend then, probably not being able to sleep out of guilt.

"I can't talk right now, Chihiro, sorry..." His feet started moving again, but got stopped by someone tugging on his sleeve. "Chihiro...?" He turned around. The person who was trying to get his attention wasn't the Ultimate Programmer. It was a rather shy girl from his class. 'I hear and see him everywhere by now!'

Cursing to himself on the inside, the (h/c) haired male tilted his head to the side. "Do you need anything?" "I... Umm... Was just wondering if you're free this weekend...!" 'Her way of talking is so similar to Chihiro's...' He thought for a moment. "I was going to watch a movie."

When he looked closer, he noticed that the girl was almost wearing the same clothes as Chihiro too. One of the differences between them was her hair though. A dark black, strands that reached the end of her back. "I-If so... Could I j-join you...?"

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