CHAPTER 5 - Life is twisted

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Ella's POV

I make it home and my parents tell me to go sleep. I do so after messaging Adrian that I'm finally home. What an interesting night.

It's around 3am when I arrive home and I have to be up in 4 hours. What is life.

I immediately get into bed and try to fall asleep, but it doesn't work out. My head is too filled with the thoughts of what's happened in the last few hours. Adrian just made my crush into real, emotionally connected feelings and now I'm a mixture of happiness and dread.

I keep checking the time on my phone and I think by the time I fell asleep it was already after 4.

My mom wakes me up 3 hours later.

"Are you sure you wanna go to school?" Mom asks. I probably look like someone that's risen from the dead.

"I don't really wanna but I have to, don't have any expectations about the mark from today's paper though." I tell her as I start getting ready for school.

"Eat a sandwich on the way and take your meds. Just let your dad know when you're ready." She says and leaves the room.

I head off to the bathroom and brush my teeth. I look at myself in the mirror and see the dark circles under my eyes and the birds nest that is my hair.

I look terrible. Oh well.

Once I'm ready my dad goes to start up the car and my mom stuffs my meds and sandwich into my bag.

On the way to school my dad says I should nap while I can, and this time, I fall asleep as soon as I close my eyes.

Fast forward, I'm in class and the exam papers are getting handed out. A female teacher who is normally cranky and yells at everybody gently places my exam on my desk.

"Are you okay? Are you sure you don't wanna write in the sick room?" She asks so kindly in a calming voice I've never heard from her in the 2 years I've seen her and that makes me wonder how much she knows. I know my mom called the school to say I'll be late so I'm guessing she elaborated on that with hospital talk and the teacher in charge of my exam room was told too. I didn't want that though, now they know, ew.

"I'm sure, I'm okay." She nods and walks away. I think that was the first and last time I've seen her publically be nice to a student.

I finish the exam and I thankfully knew some of it. I'm guessing about a 60% for it, could have been better but I couldn't go over the fine details properly yesterday.

Soon enough it's interval and my dad messages me saying he's on his way to pick me up. Now that I've written the exam I get to go back home and rest and I'm counting down the moments till I can get back into my dear best friend. Bed.

I see my friends at our regular spot and I smile.

"Hey guys." I say putting my bag down next to the bench. They all greet me back and my friend Rachel points at my hand and asks what that is.

I lift my hand and chuckle.

The bandage they put over the spot where the drip went into my hand was huge and was gonna hurt when I rip it off so I decided to procrastinate pulling it off.

"The IV drip went into my hand and I'm too scared to rip it off so now it'll stay there until I muster up the courage." I say and they laugh.

"We're glad you're okay though." Laylo says and I smile.

"Me too." I respond.

I hear a voice calling out to Laylo from behind me and I turn around to see Adrian coming up to us. Him and Laylo do the greeting handshake and he says hi to me.

He says hi to me.

This has never happened before.

I give a small wave out of nervousness and he notices the bandage but doesn't say anything.

He knows what the cause of it was, I scarred him with a picture of it.

Laylo brings me into his conversation with Adrian and I couldn't be happier.

We talk about exams and it's mostly Adrian and Laylo going back and forth as I nod my head but I'm just glad that I don't feel like I'm intruding between them anymore. And to be this close to him.

And to my surprise, he ends up staying with our group all interval.

I tell my friends everything that happened at the hospital but still manage to sneak my glances in on Adrian and when he removed his blazer(our school has uniform by the way) I just died. My friends noticed that and that's when the firetruck showed up. The red creeping up to my neck and face and my bright red ears. I couldn't see myself, but I could feel the blood rushing. And the smirks and side glances from my friends was enough to make me wish to be sucked up into the earth at that moment.

Adrian came back from playing ball with his friend to give Laylo his glasses to hold, he needed a pair of new ones cause his current ones were too loose on his face and kept falling down his nose. I only know this because of eavesdropping on him and Laylo's conversations. Don't judge me.

Laylo decided to hold Adrian's glasses with his face, so I took my chance and took them from Laylo and put them on my face while Adrian was too occupied to notice.

"So how does it feel wearing your crush's glasses?" My friend Dean asks.

I just blush and shove the glasses back into Laylo's hands.

Perfect timing actually, cause that's when the bell rang for the end of interval and Adrian came back to us to get his glasses and bag.

I hear my phone ringing and I pick it up, my dad saying his in front of the school. I get ready to leave but not before Adrian asks how I'm feeling.

"I'm feeling a bit better." I respond smiling brightly. A little bit thanks to the meds. And alot thanks to you.

Although I don't say that part out loud.


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