CHAPTER 4 - Feelings

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Ella's POV

Maybe I'm putting him on a bit of a pedestal since to someone else he could be doing the bare minimum for a poor girl looking for someone to talk to, although, I don't think I wanna put him in the category of someone who's just doing the bare minimum. I've been trying to keep whatever interactions I have with him as platonic as possible, in relation with my thoughts. Just so that I don't overthink anything from his side which could possibly lead to hurting myself with getting my hope's up.

Unfortunately for me, this means way more to me than I wish it did. My last crush lasted almost 2 years? Maybe a year and a half. Nothing came from it though. Him and I also weren't friends, but it wasn't a big one anyway, I was just physically attracted to him and it never went further than that. And neither did I try to make it go further than that. I was younger and wasn't interested in having a boyfriend. Just being a teenage girl cruising through whatever crushes showed up was what I'd have preferred than anything serious that would actually make me feel the heartbreak emotions, which was the furthest from what I wanted.

Although I thankfully moved on from that and I stupidly decided that I would try my absolute best to avoid falling in love in high school. And to do that, I would try to not form any crushes. If I were to start finding someone attractive, I'd stop myself looking at or trying to talk to them, or just anything that would make my feelings grow in any way.

And look at me now. I knew it wasn't a guarantee I'd be able to keep that decision but I know there are people who are able to go through high school and couldn't be bothered about things like feelings for people that they can actually meet for example, one of my best friends, Amelia, is absolutely crazy about Harry Styles and brings him into any conversation about a guy and she couldn't care less about getting a boyfriend and doesn't seem to be falling for anyone. I'M KINDA ENVIOUS.

I don't wanna not get to know Adrian more. I won't tell him that I like him, but I at least want a friendship with him. Yeah I know, basically dooming myself here.

I'll face whatever consequences come of this I guess.

I go back to my phone and re-read his text.

'I'm glad you don't have anything wrong with your neck then. And yeah I'd be curious too. But rather don't think about that.' - Cockroach

'Yeah I won't, but I kinda broke down in front of my parents for a second there 😭😭' - Ella

'What why? I thought everything was okay and you were just waiting on the blood test results.' - Cockroach

'No no they are okay. I'm just a little stressed out and I think I needed to cry it out a bit. I'm okay now though.' - Ella

'Oh.' - Cockroach


Okay that's a lie. I cry for every sad scene of any show or movie I've ever watched... Who am I kidding. I cry for happy scenes too. BUT THE POINT IS- Okay maybe I am a bit of a crybaby.

Another message brings me out of my mental rant.

'Are you feeling better after that?' - Cockroach

Oh. He. He doesn't suck. Why. Why can't he suck. I just wanna throw these feelings off a cliff. Adrian sir. I would like to both smash your face and hug you.

'I am, thank you.' - Ella

'No problem.' - Cockroach

'You can go to sleep. My dad wants me to take a nap to let the meds kick in. Thank you for talking to me till so late.' - Ella

'Oh yeah your dad's right. I'll get to sleeping. And it was no problem. I hope you feel better and leave for home soon.' - Cockroach

'Thank you Adrian. Goodnight' - Ella

'Again, it was no problem. Goodnight Ella.' - Cockroach

"Goodnight Ella"


"Ella, go sleep." Dad says and gives my phone to my mom.

"Okay okay."

I try falling asleep but my head is just replaying everything that's gone down in the last 2 hours.

Why couldn't he be an asshole.

That would be so much better for me.

Kind of.



Shut up.

I eventually doze off, but only into a light sleep as I can't sleep well under bright lights.

So when I hear the curtains around my bed open swiftly, I open my eyes slowlt and see my doctor back.

Turns out almost 2 hours passed.

It was around 2am.

My heart starts beating really fast when the doctor says the blood test results are back.

"Everything is okay. It's just the fever symptoms, nothing else." The doctor says and I sigh in relief. My mom chuckles but I know she was worried as hell too.

"You're ready to go home soon, you can stay here for a few more minutes with the drip and the nurse will be here soon to remove it. You just need to rest and take your meds 3 times a day after meals."

"Thank you Doctor." My dad says and the doctor leaves with a quick smile.

My dad squeezes my hand comfortingly and I am just happy I'm not dying because oh my freaking god the overthinking.

Soon enough, the nurse comes and takes the IV drip out of my hand and when I stand up I still feel weak and my mom holds me by my arm and we walk out.

When we're finally in the car it feels like I've been laying in that hospital bed for days. I hope something like this never happens again.

But on the plus side. My first night in a hospital and somehow, the guy I like is the person that was there for me.

Not all that bad honestly.


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