3x16-Desire and Testing 1-2-3

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"Baby, I don't care. I mean, is Charlie right or am I?"

The cardio-thoracic surgeon raised his brow, "You don't care? Well I'll get another bride."

The curly-haired woman groaned, "I love it. I love all cakes. Now break the tie."

Preston stood up, giving her a smile, before answering, "Charlie's correct."

The youngest pumped her fist in the air victoriously again, causing all of her friends to giggle at the sight.

Maybe these exams wouldn't be horrific after all.


She'd decided to stay home, the day before the exam. Hoping to get in as much studying as she could, and knowing she wouldn't be able to sleep properly, the anxiety keeping her awake.

So when her doorbell rang at 2:30 in the morning, she glanced at it in confusion.

Who the hell would be coming at this hour?

Opening the door softly, she peeked her head out, only for her eyes to widen in surprise when she noticed who it was.

Pulling the door open all the way, she welcomed him inside, asking, "Mark, love, what are you doing here, and why aren't you sleeping?"

He raised the bag in his hand as answer, explaining, "I called Addie. She told me when you were younger, your mom would make you oatmeal, and sneak you some wine the night before an exam."

Placing the plastic bag on her counter, he pulled out a container of quick-made oats, and a bottle of red wine, continuing, "Now, I'm a shit cook, and will probably burn the oats, so this is the safest option. And we're adults now, so I don't have to sneak you the wine."

She ran to him, jumping into his arms, and wrapping her legs around his waist. Nuzzling into the crook of his neck, she murmured, "You're the best. I am actually speechless, because you are the best."

His hand raked through her hair softly, "I just didn't want you to be stressed. I figured after this, I can lob some questions at you, and when you get them right, which you'll inevitably do, I'll carry you to bed, and force you to sleep some."

Pulling away, she leaned down, pressing a grateful kiss to his lips, "I promise, you'll be handsomely rewarded once this shit-show is over."

"I know baby. Don't worry about me, let's just reassure you that you already know everything."


The next morning, she'd been called bright and early to the 'frathouse', in order to have one final study session in the kitchen.

"How do you treat pancreatic divisum? Izzie?" Questioned her dark-haired person sternly.

Well the others were studying, she preferred to spend the morning.  before any exam not freaking herself out any more. And besides, Mark had truly proven to her how much she did know the other night, and it turns out, she really did know it all.

Holding onto her mug of coffee, she watched as the others complained at Cristina's tyrannical methods. Chuckling, she commented easily, "Cris, let them get some caffeine in their system first, this is actually inhuman. Oh, and the answer's dorsal duct sphincterotomy."

The curly-haired woman looked at her approvingly, "Wasn't your turn, since you elected to tap out for some reason, but correct." Turning to Alex, she ordered, "Karev, now you do me."

"Xander, don't even say it..." mumbled the youngest chirpily.

The man looks at her with a grin, "See, the fact that you knew I would say it proves your brain is as dirty as mine, an also, I can't believe O'Malley is missing this."

Redamancy • Mark SloanTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang