Chapter 26.5 Dream's Side Chapter

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'Can we have a chapter where Y/n overheard someone talking about dream being homeless so she decides to build a small house for him' ~ Mitzy (Mitzu30918)


Y/n was sleeping as Dream had decided to visit Techno's house, she started to wake up as she heard Techno was talking. She poked her head out from the ladder and listened to their conversation.

"Wait, I've never seen you in a house, do you even have a house." Techno thought for a second.

"I have a house, its just very far away..." Dream replied to Techno.

"Dream...are you homeless. Do you sleep outside."

"I have a house- I don't even sleep, but I DO have a house."

As the conversation went on with Techno shouting that Dream was homeless, Dream was leaving with Techno following behind him to go and see his 'house'.

Y/n hummed as she had gotten dressed upstairs and soon came down. She went looking through the multiple chests to grab something. She took out a bunch of wood. She left the house and went to see that Dream and Techno were still walking away, Dream seemed to be annoyed at Techno following him.

Y/n decided herself to make a house for Dream.


The female placed the last bit of Wood on the small hut, it was small house, but it was the best the girl could do. She got off the roof and ran towards where she saw Dream and Techno had walked off to. The female stared at the house that Dream was building.

"Dream! Dream!" Y/n said and went over to him.

"Yes Y/n?" The male looked at her.

"I wanna show you something!" She took his hand and headed towards the hut she had built, Techno, who was watching from a far, followed them.

Y/n soon stood in front of a small hut, it was made completely from Spruce wood, with a oak door from what she found inside of Techno's house, the windows were made from Trapdoors, since there was no glass the female had.

"Ta-da! I made it for you!" She grinned at the male. The male stared at the house for a few moments before he hugged her, squeezing her in a hug.

"This is amazing Y/n, thank you, and the best part is that you made it.." He smiled under his mask, as the female smiled at him.

"Y/n, its great that you built a house for a homeless man..." Techno appeared beside the 2.

"But did you HAVE to build it next to my house?!" Techno pointed to the bigger cabin next to Dream's hut.

Dream snickered slightly at what techno said.

"Well I guess we're neighbours now."


Y/n meeting ~ Meee ()


Y/n stared at the female in front of her, she looked similar to Dream. She had shoulder length dirty blonde hair. She wore a mask over her face, but unlike dream, it was lifted slightly to have her mouth revealed. The face on the mask was a smiley face with it's eyes closed (^-^) She wore a green hoodie with shorts. She had a trident tied to her back


"Hi." The female replied to the small female. The 2 had run into each other as Y/n was heading to visit George.

"My name is Y/n, who are you?"

"Drista." The female replied, y/n was guessing the female came from somewhere overseas, considering she never saw her before. She has met everyone in the SMP, even if she doesn't interact with them much. "I'm looking for my brother, do you know where he is?"

"... brother?"

"Oh, his name is C-"

"Drista!" Y/n and Drista look to see Dream was heading towards them. He noticed the small female once he got over towards them.

"I see you've met Y/n" Dream smiled at his sister, he seemed tired from running. "Y/n, this is Drista. My little sister."

Drista just nodded her head. "It was nice meeting you Y/n."

"Nice to meet you Ms Drista." Y/n smiled at Drista.


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