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i had got diagnosed with anxiety, and i had had three panic attacks since. but phil was the best, he knew how to handle it and make me feel safe.

phil had been going to training, but only for 3 months. he spent the first four with me, raising our babies together.

they were over half a year old now, it was crazy. time had gone so quick.

everyday we talked about the wedding, we were thinking of having it soon, but we didn't know when exactly.

phil had been away for the weekend and was coming back today, i couldn't tell if i was the most excited or addi. she was daddy's girl, she loved him so much.

*text messages*

phil💓: i won't be long, 10 mins

me: can't wait

phil💓: how are the triplets?

me: going crazy, cali was mad that bentley stole her piece of jam toast

phil💓: ah i missed you guys so much

me: addi needs a quick bath, she's got paint everywhere. you've got keys right to let yourself in if i'm busy?

phil💓: yeah i'll be alright

*end of messages*

i put the other two babies in their cots while i take addi to the bathroom. i put her in the seat that goes in the bathtub to support her and make sure i fill it up with the right temperature water.

"how did you get so messy." i say making her giggle

i grab the body wash and get it all off her arms and legs before quickly shampooing her hair.

addi was the smartest and alos the most confident, even though she was only seven months, she understood daddy and mummy. she also knew all of phil's friends and always wanted to be in their arms. she couldn't really say names quite yet but she knew who people were.

"daddy's coming home today." i say grabbing the shower head

"dada." she makes out slowly

"that's right! dada." i say

that was the first time she had said it, it was annoying phil didn't get too see that.

"right lets go get your siblings ready for the day." i say lifing her out the bath and wrapping her in the towel

just as i open the bathroom door i see down the stair case the front door open and suitcases being wheeled in.

"who's that!" i say pointing

"da." addi mumbles

i take her downstairs and we stand by the door and i hold her on my hip.

i watch as phil thanks the taxi before he notices we were there. he quickly turns around and gains eye contact.

"there's my baby." he says excited 

"da." addi says again

i pass her over to phil before giving him a quick kiss, i put his bags in the hallway.

i see them having the cutest hug, i take my phone out to take a photo.

"addi, over here." i say grabbing her attention

i post the picture on my instagram

*the post*

@y/n.grealish: daddy's princess

𝙢𝙮 𝙗𝙧𝙤𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙨 𝙗𝙚𝙨𝙩 𝙢𝙖𝙩𝙚 - phil fodenWhere stories live. Discover now