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everyone's heads turn as i see so many familiar faces, i look straight ahead and see the back of phil, he was facing the front turnt away from me. i saw jack, mason and bukayo who were his best men, then i had some of my school freiends as my bridesmaids. jack also had the babies all sat in three chairs right at the front with raheem watching them

me and maya are about half way down the isle now, as we get to the front i give the triplets a wave and take a step up onto the platform phil, the best men and the bridesmaids were standing on. phil turns around and looks at me, he mouths 'you look beautiful' i smile back. we both stand so we are facing each other and he holds both of my hands before we both turn our heads to the marriage officiant who was marrying us.

"friends and family, we are joint here today for the marriage of phil foden and y/n grealish. it's a very happy day, and a very happy occasion. it's my pleasure to be up here today." he says

"so lets go straight to the vows, who will start?" he asks

"i will." phil says immediately

he looks at me before starts talking, he takes a tighter grip of my hands.

"when we first met, i never knew this would happen. but i'm so happy it turned out this way, cause i'm stood here before me with this incredibly independent, beautiful, kind, caring, courageous lady. you are the only women i'd want to be with, and the only person i'd ever be asking to marry me. you're the best mother to our children, and i can't wait to see what happened next." phil says making me tear up a little 

"y/n." the marriage officiant says

"i couldn't see myself with anyone else, i know this is what is right for us. from the moment i saw your face, i knew you were the one. to our first talk, to the first date, to now. i'm sure addi would agree with me saying this, but i love you so much." i say making the audience chuckle a bit

the laughter stops as me and phil stare into each others eyes.

"the rings." the marriage officiant says

i see jack steps forward and hand phil the ring, he lets go off one of my hands and holds the other.

"y/n do you take phil as your husband through sickness and health?" the marriage offciant asks

"i do." i say wih a massive smile across my face

phil slips the ring on my fourth finger before maya passes the ring, i look back at phil.

"phil, do you take y/n as your wife through sickness and health?" he asks

"i do." phil says as i put the ring on his finger

"i now pronounce you, husband and wife! you may now kiss the bride." he says

"come here." phil says as everyone cheers

he puts his hands around my waist and pulls me in for a kiss, it wasn't proper because we were both smiling so much. everyone was clapping and whistling before we pull away. phil gives me another peck before we both take a step down and i pick up bentley and phil gets the girls. we all walk down the isle together, so many people i recognised from years ago wave at me.

when we get to the end of the isle, me and phil get the kids to wave at everyone before we pick them back up and walk out. i take addi from phil as he puts his other arm round my waist.

"mama pretty." addi says

"isn't she just." phil says looking over

"thank you addi, mummy's dressed up." i say

"dess." she says knowing she meant dress

"mummy and daddy got married." phil says

she starts playing with my ring, i let her. i don't want her kicking off today.

me and phil walk to the dining room where we were going to sit until the limo picked us up and took us to the after party.

once we get there we put the triplets down and let them crawl around and have fun, there was nothing dangerous in the room other than table they could bang their heads on but we would keep and eye on them.

phil takes my hand and walks me over to one of the tables that had chairs around, we sit down beside each other and he puts his hand on my thigh.

i look towards him and smile, before he places his hand on my cheek and kisses me.

"this is all i could ever want." he says pulling away

"me too." i say

𝙢𝙮 𝙗𝙧𝙤𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙨 𝙗𝙚𝙨𝙩 𝙢𝙖𝙩𝙚 - phil fodenWhere stories live. Discover now