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phil quickly turns the steering wheel the other direction as he pulls out infront of a car.

"what are you doing, trying to kill me?" i shout holding my head

"you're safe with me, i promise." he says

"PHIL!" i shout as he's on the wrong side of the road

all i could see was flashing lights, my head was so dizzy, my eyes were fighting to stay open.

i force my eyes open and look over and see phil, he was completely knocked out.

i undo my seatbelt and climb over the gear stick as one of my legs was still placed on my chair.

"phil, please wake up." i say grabbing his shoulders and shaking him back and forth

"wake up." i say as tears start falling from my eyes

"PLEASE." i shout as i collapse back on my chair feeling faint


"where are they? i specifically told phil to be here by 10." gareth shouts walking in circles with his hands in his pockets

"i've tried texting them both." i say as my mind wonders

"they're good kids, they would do what we tell them." gareth says

"overslept?" i suggest, "y/n never messaged me to say they were leaving which i would of thought she would."

"maybe, well lets hope they're not in big trouble." gareth says

"what if they're in jaillll." mason say

"not now mount." gareth says walking out the hall we were all sat in

"you alright fella?" jordan asks budging up closer to me

"yeh." i reply

"you don't seem alright." he says

"i'm just thinking of the worst, i'm sure y/n is fine." i say

"what about phil?" he asks me

"y/n's my sister." i say

"phil's your best mate." he says

"was, was my best mate." i say

"you two aren't good?" he asks

"since he started dating y/n, we just never hung out anymore." i say

"but that's not an excuse to not care about him." he says

"i guess." i say

"leave it a bit, if we haven't heard we'll call someone." jordan says

"thanks man." i say


was i dying. was phil dying.

i try sit up but can't, i feel like i'm strapped to the seat.

i needed to do something, i saw the car we crashed into pulled over but no movement was coming from their car either. it was a quiet road, i guess thats why phil wasn't concentrating that much. it was bad luck, very bad luck.

i feel my phone in my pocket, it was a relief knowing i could get some sort of help.

i can't ready anything, i saw notifications but i couldn't reply. my eyes wouldn't open wide enough for anything else, so i asked siri to call 999.

"hello how can i help you?" the lady says over the phone

"a-ambula-ance." i say

"mam is everything okay?" she asks

"n-no." i say

"can you tell me where you are?" she asks

"slip road ne-ear the m6." i say

"thank you, ambulances are on the way." she says hanging the phone up

i put my phone down and squint my eyes, i look back over at phil who was still completely out.

i grab his hand and ly back and wait for the ambulances.


"she's been on her phone, it says last online two minutes ago." i tell the boys

"why isn't she replying to you?" raheem asks me

"does it say where she is?" declan asks

"wait i might be able to find out." i say

i do the hack that y/n showed me years ago so you can see where people are even thought their locations are off.

"she's on the road, maybe she doesn't want to talk to me." i say

"why would she not want to ?" mason asks

"ehh i might of said a few things." i say

"jack." john says

"i didn't completely mean it." i say

"what did you say?" luke asks

"just stuff about her and phil and how i don't want them together." i explain

"but you do know you can't control that, she's an adult." harry says

"i know, but can you seriously see them going anywhere?" i ask

"i can." jadon says

"we all know phil's never been happier." ben says

"you gotta admit it." jordan says sat next to me

"his hands have been all over her." i say

"and that's what you're thinking about?" bukayo says

"you should be happy for her mate, they're gonna have a baby. i think they're pretty serious about each other." tyrone says

"kills me to hear that and know you're right." i say looking down, "i'll just talk to her when they get here."

𝙢𝙮 𝙗𝙧𝙤𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙨 𝙗𝙚𝙨𝙩 𝙢𝙖𝙩𝙚 - phil fodenWhere stories live. Discover now