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"lets go darlin." phil says as we walk downstairs

we put our shoes and and just as we leave i remember something.

"wait i didn't give cali her bear." i say

"she'll be fine, have some time off." phil says pulling me out the house

"but-." i say before being interrupted

"y/n, they're in good hands." phil says

"no seriously, we don't have any keys." i say

"fuck it, jack'll let us in." he says as we continue to get in the car

"i'm blaming you if he doesn't." i say

"so where first?" phil asks as i put my seatbelt on

"i don't know what it's called, but follow my directions." i say

i wasn't directing him to a wedding venue, instead my parents house.

i don't know what i was thinking, but i wanted to see them. i missed home, i know i complained non stop about it months ago, but when you don't have something you used to, you do miss it.

i wanted to see birmingham, i wanted to see my school, i wanted to see the massive waitrose that me and jack would go to as a treat. i wanted to see maya.

"how long will i take?" phil asks

"1 hour 30 if not traffic." i say

"thought we were just staying in the area? that means we won't get back atleast before 11:30." phil says

"i don't want to get married where we live though, and t will be fine. as long as jack has the tv, he won't even realise we aren't there." i say

"what city are we going to?" he asks

"birmingham." i say not wanting to lie

"isn't that wheew you used to live?" he asks me

"yep." i say

"and you're alright with that?" phil asks

"why wouldn't i be?" i ask

"case like it might bring back memories" he says

"yeah, but good ones. i want to show you were me and jack grew up, what school we went to." i say

"you went to school? thought you would get home schooled." he says

"no we did go, but the poshest one. it was private, princess agatha's. i think mum and dad made us go there so we would get a good education, but look at us now. one's a footballer who doesn't know shit, and the other doesn't even have a job." i say

"you do have a job." phil says

"what?" i ask

"looking after the babies." he says

"okay erm i'm going to pretend i never heard that." i say not wanting to cause a fight, "but you do know that's not my job right."

"yeah yeah, just messing around." he says taking his eyes off the road to look at me

phil puts his hand on my thigh.

"i'm really uncomfortable, can i put my feet up?" i ask

"take your shoes off though, i don't want mud on my dashboard." he says

"no, on you." i say

"really? safe?" he asks

"we'll be fine." i say quickly taking my seat belt off to move position

𝙢𝙮 𝙗𝙧𝙤𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙨 𝙗𝙚𝙨𝙩 𝙢𝙖𝙩𝙚 - phil fodenWhere stories live. Discover now