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me and the squad get to the entrance where all the security guards are, they let us through and we get shown inside to the changing rooms.

"two hours till kick off, make sure all your shirts and boots are here." gareth tells the boys, "y/n please may i talk to you outside."

"okay." i reply letting go of phil's hand

i shut the door behind me and make eye contact with gareth.

"so i understand you are going home after the game today." he says as i sigh

"yeah that's right." i reply

"is there a reason?" he asks me

"no, my parents just want me home." i say not wanting to cause a scene

"well it will be sad to see you go, but we will see you again i'm sure of it. what will you be doing about all your stuff at st georges park?" gareth asks me

"i'm sure dad will pick it up on the way back home." i say

"okay, well that's all. see you a bit later." he says opening the door for me

i walk back over to where phil was sat on the chair infront of his england shirt.

"what did he say?" he asks me

"guess dad has called him, he talked to me about leaving." i say

"don't remind me." phil says, "come sit."

"where? there's no room." i say

phil taps his thighs as i walk closer and sit on his lap facing away from him, i lean back and he puts his hands on my stomach. i turn my neck and look at his face, i give him a quick kiss and turn back around smiling looking straight forward into the changing rooms.

*skip an hour*

"are you okay? you're very quiet." i ask phil as we enter the wembley kitchen to get drinks

"bit nervous." he replies

"i'll be proud of you no matter what." i tell him

"thanks i-." phil says before stopping

"no carry on." i say

"i.. i think i love you..." he says

"i love you too foden." i say smiling

he walks over and picks me up, he sits me down on the counter and spreads my legs apart and stands inbetween them up against the counter.

"please don't leave me." he says

"phil." i say

"i know, you have to do what your dad says. but you're 20 y/n, you have your own life. you can stick up for yourself." he says

"are you trying to say i let people control me? cause i don't, i am my own women." i say pushing him back so i can get off the counter

"where are you going?" phil asks me as i walk towards the kitchen door

"i don't know, but don't follow me." i say leaving

𝙢𝙮 𝙗𝙧𝙤𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙨 𝙗𝙚𝙨𝙩 𝙢𝙖𝙩𝙚 - phil fodenWhere stories live. Discover now