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i pull away and smile.

"that's my girl." phil says

"mhm." i reply

"say it." he says

"wha-." i say before being interrupted by him

he moves closer and grabs both of my wrists, "you heard me, say it."

"i'm all yours." i say

"good." he says realsing my wrists, "and that is how it will always be."

"lets go down and make you some dinner." phil says

"you can cook?" i ask

"ha no, takeaway?" he suggests

"fine by me." i say

"chinese?" he asks

"cool." i reply

he pulls me up off the bed and i follow him downstairs into his living room.

phil dials the number for the food

"what do you want?" he asks me while waiting for them to pick up

"whatever you're having." i say

"you've never had this before have you." he says chuckling

"what..no i ha-." i say before he interrupts me

"it's fine, i know what you will like." he says

phil orders our food and comes and sits on the sofa next to me. he puts his arm round my shoulders and pulls me in forcing me to rest my head on his chest.

"alright?" he asks me

"yeah, you good?" i ask

"why you ask?"

"you seem a bit more clingy today then normal." i explain

"i'm just taking the moments in." he says

"what's the real reason?" i ask

"that is the real reason y/n" phil says

"alright alright, just never known you to be this soppy." i say

"i ain't." he says

"yes you are." i say giggling lifting my head off his chest

"i'm manly." phil says

"you can be manly and sop-." i say before being interrupted

"no, just manly." he says coughing to deepen his voice, "guess that's the food then." he says before coughing again

phil gets up and thanks the delivery driver before walking into his kitchen and dishing up, i get off the sofa and follow him in.

"let me do something." i say watching as he takes two plates out

"no no, go sit." he says pointing to the table

i go on my tiptoes and grab two glasses from the open cupboard.

"what did i say." he says grabbing them from me

phil puts the glasses on the counter and stands infront of me, suddenly he bends over and picks me up throwing me over his shoulder.

"seems like you need help finding the table." he says

"i was just trying to help." i say as all the blood rushes to my head

"i said i don't need your help." he says

"you're probably making the baby annoyed." i say

he walks quicker over to the dining table and sits me down on one of the chairs. phil kneels down and holds my stomach.

"sorry little one." he says while walking back over to where all the food was

i sit back in my chair and hold my belly with both my hands, i could defienlty see it getting slightly bigger day by day. my head turns as i see a tall, broad shouldered man walk in.

"there we are." phil says putting two plates of food down, "i'll be back." he says leaving again

why was i not surprised, he'd gotten me chicken nuggets and chips.

"you not gonna start?" he asks walking back in

"something called manners, it's kind to wait for everyone." i say

"like your food?" he asks chuckling

"you think i'm like 5 or something don't you." i say smiling as he sits opposite me

"you look it." he says

"what?" i ask

"not like that, but you look so young, like your skin." phil says

"thanks, i guess?" i say taking a bite out of my chicken nugget

"so we're in my bed tonight right." he says as i look up to him but covering my mouth cause i had absolutely stuffed it with chips

phil pulls my hand away and laughs at me.

"s-s-hut u-up." i mumble trying to eat

"i didn't say anything." he says sitting back in his seat and folding his arms 

"s-stop look-king at me." i mumble again turning away

"i can't." he says

i turn back around and see him get out of his chair, leaving his food there. he walks over to my side of the table and pulls my chair slightly out. he lifts me up and sits down where i was sat, he then pulls me onto him sitting on his lap facing him.

phil tucks a piece of my hair behind my ear as i look into his eyes. he puts his hands on my waist giving me butterflies.

"i want you so bad right now." he whispers into my ear pulling me forward

"right now?" i ask

"right now." he replies

"the food-." i say before being interrupted

"not hungry anymore." phil says

he moves his hands from my waist up to the back of my neck, he pulls me in and kisses my lips. neither of us pull away as he slips his tongue into my mouth, we start making out as i slowly move my hips back and forward.

"follow me darlin." phil says pushing me off him and grabbing my hand pulling me out of the kitchen

𝙢𝙮 𝙗𝙧𝙤𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙨 𝙗𝙚𝙨𝙩 𝙢𝙖𝙩𝙚 - phil fodenWhere stories live. Discover now