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i look down and sigh.

"i know i overreact too often, i know i need to change. but y/n i need you to forgive me, i need my sister. you're the only one i can complain about mum and dad too." he says which makes me giggle

"can i be your brother again?" he asks

"hmmm." i say dragging it on to annoy him, "you were never not my brother." i say smiling

"i love you y/n." he says sitting on my bed

"love you jacky." i reply, "you promise not to punch me again?" i ask joking around

"yeah let's not mention that.." jack says, "i'll go get phil for you, i know that's who you want."

"woah woah, i want phil but you're my brother jack, i never said i liked him more than you." i say

"okay."jack says leaving the room

i look around at the four walls surrounding me before my head turns to the door and i see phil walk in. he smiles as i catch his eyes, he walks over and sits where jack was, at the end of my bed.

"you feeling better?" he asks me reaching for my hand

i take his and put it in mine.

"yes thank you." i say

"are you and jack alright?" phil asks as i nod

"what about you and him?" i ask

"i don't know, i'm only mad cause of what he did to you. so if you're alright with him, i am." he tells me

"you two didn't hurt each other did you?" i ask

"no no, just arguments." phil says

"i hope i didn't cause too much havoc." i say

"don't worry about it." he says with a smile

"you know what would make me feel better." i say smirking

"what's that." he replies

"a kiss." i say

"why would i say no." phil says leaning in

i put my hands on his cheeks and pull him in closer, my lips touch his. i pull away with a smile from one ear to the other.

"did it work?" he asks

"sure did." i say as both our heads turn and gareth and jack walk in

"how are you feeling y/n?" gareth asks 

"a lot better." i say looking at phil ,"thank you." i add

"good good, i understand you and jack are alright aswell." he says

"yep." i say smiling at jack

"and i told phil earlier but the three day ban i'm taking away." gareth says

"thank you." i say

"just don't go sneaking out again." he says as we all laugh

"what time is it?" i ask

"2:41" jack replies

"can i leave?" i ask

"we will ask when the doctors come back in." gareth says

in the next ten minutes the nurse comes back to check up on me.

"everything going okay in here?" she asks popping her head in

"yes." i say

"actually do you know when y/n will be released?" gareth asks

"i'll go ask now for you." she says leaving the hospital room

"so y/n since you're new to this, the day before a match we always get the bus to the hotel near  wembley in the evening.

"okay." i reply as the doctor comes in the room

"how are you feeling y/n?"he asks me

"a lot better thank you, like it never happened." i say

"good, well that sorts it. all your test results are okay as well so you may leave when you feel ready." he says leaving the room

"when do you feel like going y/n?" gareth asks me

"now." i reply

"help her up boys." he tells them

jack and phil walk over and help me out of the hospital bed, jack was holding onto one of my arms but lets go smiling at me and phil.

"you have her." jack says

"piggy back?" phil suggests looking at me

"though you'd never ask." i say with a grin on my face

phil bends down and i get on his back, he holds onto my legs as i wrap my arms around his neck. 

"bye room." i shout as phil takes me out.

he carries me down the hospital stair case following jack and gareth.

"thank you." gareth says to the reception as we exit

"i'll call someone to come get us." he tells us, "go sit."

phil puts me down and me, him and jack walk over to the seats. i sit in between them and look at my phone and see i had loads of messages, phil grabs my phone out of my hand.

"what." i say looking at him annoyed

"one second, got to do something." he says

"show me." i say

"no, that would ruin it." phil says

he finally hands it back to me and i go through everything to see what he had done and don't find anything.

"come on just tell me." i say looking at him

"messages." he says as i open it

i scroll through and see he had re-named him self, 'handsome💓', i look at him with a 'are you serious' look.

"what, only speaking facts." he says smirking

"what did he do?" jack asks me as i show him my phone and point to it

"ha as if." jack replies

"you wish." phil says

𝙢𝙮 𝙗𝙧𝙤𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙨 𝙗𝙚𝙨𝙩 𝙢𝙖𝙩𝙚 - phil fodenWhere stories live. Discover now