The I Do's

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The Mikaelsons all gather around the totalled prison bus after finishing there meals. "Can we hurry this up, I would like to get back and finally see my best friends and beautiful girlfriend." Kol states as he impatiently crosses his arms.

"By all means, go and rush head first into New Orleans where Marcel will surely be waiting." Elijah fires back as he rolls his eyes at his younger brother.

"Well do we at least have a plan?" Kol asks as he shoots a look at Freya. Freya shoots a look back before turning to the others.

"Yes. Theres a series of tunnels connecting all throughout New Orleans. No doubt Marcel has Klaus nearby at all times, so if we can get into the compound from one of the tunnels we should find Klaus not long after." Freya explains.

"Alright, I shall go distract Marcel while Freya goes to free our brother from whatever wretched prison Marcel is keeping him in." Elijah tells the rest. Rebekah and Hayley look at him as if him incredulously.

"Are you serious? And what of the rest of us?" Rebekah questions.

"Well, Kol clearly has shown no interest im being here." Kol nods, "I want Hayley to return safely to her daughter. And you dear sister don't have the best track record in going against Marcel." Elijah rattles off.

The girls look away while Kol just scoffs and moves to the side. Elijah scans over the three before nodding to Freya as the two venture to go rescue their brother.

Rebekah decided to follow after the pair leaving Kol and Hayley waiting back. Kol waits impatiently against a tree as he continuously taps his foot. "Could you stop." Hayley snaps.

"Apologies darling. Kind of bored seeing that we have been waiting for a while." Kol sasses back.

"They shouldn't be long." Hayley sighs. A silence encompasses the two and Kol tries to find some sort of end to it.

"How was he? Foxy?" He asks. Hayley looks slightly surprised but nods none the less.

"He's grown. I didn't speak to him for too long but I can tell Davina and him are doing good. Grown quite the bit of facial hair as well." She smirks and Kol lets out a chuckle.

There moment gets interrupted as the Mikealsons come barrelling out of the tunnel carrying a weak Klaus. "Hurry, Marcel shouldn't be far behind." Freya tells them as they rush towards the pair of SUVs.

"Actually, I'm right here." Marcel announces as he appears in front of the Mikaelsons. "You shouldn't have come back. None of you."

"That's what family does. We fight for each other." Hayley tells Marcel.

"Yeah, so I've heard. Though it didn't really work out for me, did it?" Marcel reminds everyone. Kol just rolls his eyes.

"Oh for gods sake. You were never a Mikaelson, get over it. Now don't you have a city to run? Vampires to boot out of town?" Kol spits. Marcel moves to attack but is stopped when Rebekah positions herself in between himself and her family.

"If you wanna kill one of us. You'll have to kill us all." Rebekah states.

"Hey don't push me, Rebekah."

"Oh get on with it. Let's end this once and for all." Rebekah snaps but before anything can happen, Klaus interrupts the two.

"Thats enough. That's enough Marcel, you've won. New Orleans was our city once now it's yours. For good." Klaus gives in, Marcel looks in disbelief before gaining a cocky smirk on his face.

"Is the great Klaus Mikaelson accepting defeat? Or is this all just another distraction?"  Marcel goads.

"Neither. In fact despite your appalling behaviour I'm offering you a chance at peace. Attempt to kill us all and you will be making a mistake. Any who survived will no doubt return to seek revenge, bringing our enemies back to your city in our wake. Even if you did manage to eliminate us all, one day my daughter will come for you. And her daughter after that. On and on for all your days. An endless cycle of violence you will bring upon yourself, or... or we leave and we never come back." Klaus rants. Marcel stares at the Mikaelson's before letting out a scoff.

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