Returning Home

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Stiles enters Lenore's bodega while Aiden goes around back. He looks around in the dark and spots several items that can certainly be used for magic.

"I see Mr. McCall failed." Vincent speaks as he walks out from a dark corner of the room.

"As smart and powerful as you claim to be... I'm surprised you thought that Scott could ever beat me." Stiles glares.

"Oh, I knew he couldn't. I just used him to get what I wanted. After that faux promise I made to him." Vincent reveals. Stiles tilts his head in confusion.

"What promise?"

"I approached him and granted him the chance to get revenge on you for besting him. Even back then I knew it wouldn't matter. But the nail that sealed the coffin was when I promised I would help cure his mother." Vincent explains, a wicked smirk plastered on his face.

Stiles takes a threatening step forward. "Whats wrong with Melissa?"

"She has been diagnosed with Frontaltemporal dementia." Stiles eyes widen in shock. "Curious... isn't that the same thing that took your mother."

"What do you know about my mother." Stiles questions as he takes another step forward and is now right in Vincents face.

"Oh, I know a lot more than you do Mieczyslaw. And you are much more of a fool than I took you for if you dare think thats I wouldn't know about your little friend in the back." Vincent reveals. He then waves his hand in the direction of the back room where Aiden currently is.

The shadows in the room begin to stir and wisp around Stiles. He lunges towards Vincent only for him to disappear. "A projection." Stiles mutters. Shaking his head of his thoughts he rushes to the back and snaps the quickly snaps the neck of every vampire in the room.

Aiden looks at him thankfully as he is struggling to hold back Josh. Luckily he finds an opening and snaps Josh's neck. Aiden breathes out in relief. "Come on, let's go." He tells Stiles before walking out the back door.

Stiles is about to leave but feels a wave of magic wash over him and hears the crumpling of paper in his pocket. Reaching inside he takes out a piece of paper.

Might want to check in with your father, Mieczyslaw.


Stiles balls the paper up in rage and throws it to the ground. He quickly leaves the bodega and instead of following after Aiden he makes his way to his and Cami's shared apartment.

Hurrying through to his room, failing to notice Camille's worried look as he storms through. He throws his rucksack down onto the bed and reaches inside, pulling out his phone.

He left it in there the night he went to rescue Kol and hasn't been back since, what with being kidnapped and all. Turning it on he finds countless messages and missed calls from Davina, Kol and even Klaus. But he ignores all of them and finds a missed call and voicemail from his dad.

Putting the phone on speaker he listens intently as his father can be heard breathing heavily and sobbing.

"Son, I don't know when you will get this or what you are doing. I just hope that you are safe and doing good things in New Orleans.

Um- Melissa's sick. The same sickness that took your mother. Now im sure you have question's and I will answer them as best as I can but before that. Come home. Even for just a day, I don't want to have to explain everything over the phone. I'm sure Cami would understand.

If you're still unsure about all of this. I should at least answer one question I'm sure you would have, you know that Frontaltemporal Dementia is genetic. And I know you had a scare when you were possessed. The reason, Melissa took is harder than most back then, wasn't only because she saw you like a second son and her son's best friend. It's because it reminded her of your mother, her half-sister. They shared a father, Mieczyslaw. He also had dementia.

Come home, Stiles. Please."

Stiles looked down at his phone in shock. Tears begin to fall in his eyes. Looking up he sees Cami standing at the door also with tears. Stiles leaps forward and wraps her in a hug and sobs into her shoulder.

He cries because he just found out the woman he thought of a mom for so many years is actually related to him, and he is about to lose her the same way he lost his actual mom. And also the fact that, that made Scott his cousin, and he killed him. Stiles killed his own flesh and blood.

Stiles falls to his knees and breaks down. What he doesn't see is Davina enter the apartment and look down at Stiles, her heart breaks at the sight. Cami looks up at her and smiles weakly, tears still falling down her face.

Cami slowly lets go of Stiles and motions for Davina to take her place. Davina does so and Stiles grasps on to her, holding on for dear life. His sobs pierce Davina's heart and she too begins to cry. She whispers sweet-nothings into Stiles' ear in hopes of calming him slightly. But stops when she figures that it better for him to let it all out.

She was surprised at first when Cami called her and asked her to come over. But now she understands. As soon as she saw Stiles her mind went blank and her first instinct was to help him. Back to Stiles, she plants a kiss on the side of his head and goes back to holding him while he gets all of his pent up emotions out.

Cami watches the two, the falling tears have gone but the ones in her eyes stay put. She smiles at the two kids, so young but gone through so much.

After an hour Stiles calms down. "Sorry." He whispers. Davina shushes him.

"You don't need to apologise, Cami told me what's going on." She says as she pulls him in for a hug.

Stiles nods and places a kiss on the top of her head. "I need to go." He whispers. Davina is hesitant but nods. She want's him to go see his dad, but doesn't want him to leave her. He say's it wont be for long but who knows what would happen.

Stiles pulls away from the embrace and slowly moves back into his room. To go pack, Davina looks at him sadly before walking away ready to go back to her attic. She is stopped however when Cami pulls her aside, saying she needs a favour.

Thats how, the next morning. She found herself sitting in the front seat of Stiles' jeep, Stiles driving silently beside her as she looks out the window watching the tree's pass by. They both asked Kol is he wanted to tag along but he kindly refused when Klaus and Rebekah needed his help. As much as he says he hates his family he sure will jump at anything to help them.

Davina's attention is pulled away as they pass by a green sign that makes her prepare for whats to come.

"Welcome to Beacon Hills"

(As you may or may not have noticed, since Kol never went with Stiles and Aiden to rescue Josh. Vincent never placed the curse upon him, which means.....

Kol Lives!!!!"

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