Revenge is a Dish Best Served Red

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Stiles POV:

I've spent the entire night searching the woods for any sign of Mikael or Cami. Even had to kill a few civilians who Mikael compelled. I managed to take control back from the Nogitsune but I promised I would let him loose when we encounter Mikael.

My Oni have had 0 luck since they travel faster and would've gotten back to me by now. Which means, I'm going in the right direction.

Somehow, I wound up at some abandoned warehouse at the same time as Klaus. He grabs a shovel, snapping it in half so he has a makeshift stake. We both stay silent as we enter the building.

I enter the room and instantly Void forces itself free at the sight of Cami being held at knife point.

"We will destroy you for hurting her." Void tells him

Mikael stays silent as he drops Cami to the floor, Klaus looks concerned and takes a small step forward.

"Oh, how sweet. The cur whines for his bitch. I'll make sure to drain the rest of her right in front of your eyes just before you burn."

Klaus jumps towards Mikael and they start fighting. I speed to Cami's side and sit her up and against one of the broken tables.

I watch as Klaus gets stabbed in the heart by the stake but doesn't burn. Mikael storms out and I go to follow.

I see Kol and Davina performing a spell that most likely is holding disabling the white oak stake. I nod at Kol and throw Mikael across the room. He jumps up and runs at me. We clash and start exchanging super powered blows.

Mikael gains the slight upper hand, but I am holding my own. He throws me into a pile of tables and walks towards the witches. Kol moves forward and goes to stop him but gets backhanded into a fence. He walks up to Davina and grabs her. Just as he sinks his teeth into her, Davina lets out a scream of pain. Instantly I grab him and throw him against the wall, making sure to hold Davina close.

While still holding Davina close I punch Mikael with enough force it sends him flying back into the original warehouse where Cami and Klaus are. I turn back to Davina who is still attached to me, she is slightly whimpering and has a few stray tears. I wipe them away and whisper that it will all be okay.

I reluctantly release her and walk over to Kol to help him up. "You alright?"

"Peachy." He responds.

"I gotta say if that was under different circumstances, I would have laughed at you getting back handed." I grin at him.

"Bugger off." He grins pushing me.

We back through to the main building where Klaus, Cami, Marcel and Hayley are standing. I join Klaus' side while Davina and Kol stand behind me.

"It's over, Mikael. You're outnumbered. Are you going to beg for your miserable life?" Klaus asks him.

"Heh, heh, heh. You think having people makes you strong? It proves how weak you are. Come find me when you don't have fools, women and children fighting your battles." Mikael tells him before throwing him the stake.

"Oh, and Mieczyslaw. I better see you there as well. Because when I kill the bastard. You will be next, and maybe then you will get to see your mother." He says. I take a step forward and summon the Oni behind me. Mikael speeds away.

I'm sat outside the warehouse with Kol and Davina

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I'm sat outside the warehouse with Kol and Davina. I walk up to Kol and throw my arm over his shoulder. "You okay mate?" I ask imitating him. As Davina stands across smiling at us.

"A bit light-headed. Might have something to do with being knocked ass over teacup by dear Ol' dad." Kol responds. I remove my arm and sit beside him on the hood of his car.

"You are lucky to be alive young lady. You wanna tell me what you were thinking?" Marcel asks storming up to Davina.

"Can we not do this right now?" Davina asks him as she takes a place beside me.

"Am I gonna embarrass you in front of your friends?" Marcel retorts.

"Who the hell is this guy anyway? Stiles I know."

"We gotta stop meeting like this pal." Kol smirks.

"He's my friend. And he's helping me." Davina tells him.

"Help you do what? Wage a war on Klaus and help me get killed in the process?"

"I just saved Klaus' life trying to protect you." Davina shouts back in disbelief.

"Yeah, from a psycho vampire hunter you brought back to life." Marcel shouts back.

"Alright enough!" I stand in putting a hand on Marcels shoulder moving him back slightly.

"Well, I think it's enough. Or it should be enough. I mean we are all friends here, aren't we?" I ask cocking my head to the side. Marcel gives Davina an 'are you kidding me look' and she just shakes her head.

"Alright, just stay here till we get back. I'll handle Klaus." Marcel tells her before walking away.

"We should get out of here, trust me. My brothers not the forgiving kind." Kol says to us.

"Even if you did help out back there, his hatred of betrayal far outweighs his sense of gratitude." He tells her.

"I'm not afraid of him." Davina states. As she pulls out the white oak stake.

"I'm sorry. Are you trying to get yourself killed?" I ask her, looking at her in disbelief.

"I'm out to get even with Klaus. And I want you two to help me." She says to me.

"But your right, let's get out of here." She states walking to the car. Kol and I share a look, I shrugged, and Kol laughed at me.

"You mate, are whipped to all hell."

"Shut up." I laugh pushing him to the driver's side. "You are whipped though." I hear Void say in my head. "You shut up as well."

We somehow find ourselves in some random motel. I've texted Cami saying I will be away a few days but can't tell her where since the last time she was given a location, she told Klaus.

A few hours later, Kol went out to set up magic precautions around the area. I exit the bathroom wearing jeans and an unbuttoned flannel shirt. I see Davina standing in front of a cracked mirror chanting and the mirror slowly fixing itself.

I waltz up to her and whisper in her ear. "Still at it?"

She jumps and the mirror re-cracks. "I'm trying to repair the damage that Kol did to my delinking spell." She states. I look down beside me and see the white oak stake. Davina quickly grabs it and moves it across the room.

"The only reason I'm still shacked up in this dump motel with the two of you, is for Kol's freaky witch-encyclopaedia brain. And you because, well I don't know. Why are you even here, I thought you were Klaus' little tool?" She asks me.

"Wow. One, that hurt. Two, you dragged me along, so you tell me. Three, I was simply helping Klaus because him and I shared two common enemies at the time. The wolves and Mikael." I tell her.

"And why do you hate Mikael so much?" She asks.

I look down in contemplating whether to tell her before sighing and deciding to.

"It all started last year. In Mystic Falls......"

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