Cabin Fever

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Stiles POV:
I smile at my phone as I get a text from Kol confirming Mikael is inside the cabin. "What are you smiling at?" Klaus asks as we drive to some bar.

"Insider information." I say before looking out the window.

"Stiles are you sure you should be here? I know you can handle yourself but this, this seems like a lot." Cami tells me. I smile at my cousin's concern but before I can answer Klaus does it for me.

"Please Camille. Your sweet cousin back there is possibly more deadly and dangerous than I am, and that's saying something. So I think we will be fine." Klaus tells her. Camille looks in the rear-view mirror in concern but I just give her a playful wink which makes her sigh and shake her head.

I watch as Klaus and Cami slow dance to music in the bar. It's all normal until I'm suddenly inside of Klaus' car.

"Seriously?" I ask.

"It had to be done. Mikael would have used her as leverage." Klaus says. I nod in acceptance and its silent until my phone goes off.

"Is that your inside information again?" Klaus asks me sarcastically.

"Yes actually it is. They say Davina knows we are coming so be prepared." I read out what Kol sent.

"Well then. Prepared we shall be." Klaus says. Pulling out the white oak stake.

Klaus and I arrive at the cabin and of course night has fallen. We exit the car and approach the deck. Klaus looks in the first window and moves on as if he sees nothing. When I approach, I see Kol and Davina crouching down, preparing. I smile and send a wink their way which makes Kol smirk and laugh, while Davina looks shocked while having a slight shade of red on her cheeks.

I move onto the second window as Klaus is walking back to the car. I look in and see Mikael staring at me. I smirk and flip him off with both hands while mouthing "fuck you." I laugh as he seethes in anger and I move back to where Klaus is standing. I don't tell him what I saw because.... where's the fun in that?

A few minutes of waiting and Klaus shouting and egging them on. Mikael steps out. I smirk before leaning to whisper to Klaus. "You handle him for a while. I am going inside." He nods and I sink into the shadows seemingly disappearing.

I walk into the cabin to see Kol and Davina on the floor unconscious. Instantly I pick Davina up bridal style and move her to a chair. As I'm doing so Camille comes rushing in. 'Huh Klaus dealt with that quick.' I think. I snap out of my thoughts hearing Kol groan.

"What? No picking me up and making sure I'm okay?" Kol asks with a teasing smirk. I laugh as I offer him my hand and pull him up.

"Sorry. With the added weight of your ego makes you a bit too heavy for me." I retort as he pushes me away.

Camille is still checking on Davina. Klaus appears at the door and Notices 'Isaac'.

"This is your informant?" He asks me.

"Guilty." Kol responds putting his hands up in surrender.

They go back and forth while Cami and I keep checking on Davina. I determine she's fine and decide to sit on the couch next to her. As if feeling the weight shift Davina's head finds itself on my shoulder, earning a confused look from Klaus and Camille and an almost victorious smirk from Kol.

"I promised not to harm Davina. I said nothing about this insolent sod." Klaus states turning back to Kol.

Cami stands up and moves towards Klaus. They whisper for a bit before he hands her the... clean stake? Weird. And goes back to the car.

"You've got a way with words." Klaus states going back to his back and forth with Kol.

"Well, I've travelled." Kol retorts.

"You seem to have crossed continents in order to weasel your way into Davina and Stiles' good graces thereby meddling in my family business. Strange, isn't it?" Klaus smirks while Kol looks down smiling himself

"Unless of course it's your family business. Ever since my dinner with my mother and Finn I've been wondering when you might make an appearance, Kol." Klaus announces making Kol chuckle.

"Then the jig is up. Hello, brother." Kol bows.

"It's not that I begrudge you hitching a ride back to the land of the living. It's just that you're making the wrong friends, brother. And I have half a mind to show you how wrong you are." Klaus threatens.

"But you're not gonna do that, are you? Cause Stiles cousin told you to leave me alone. I'm curious. Does she take out one of those plastic baggies out when she takes you for a walk?" Kol teases making me laugh.

"Oh and I take it you knew. And how long have you known that for?" Klaus asks turning his attention to me.

"Who, me? Oh I've known about Kol since he got here. And as for why I never told you, well there's not fun in that now is there." I tell him.

"Cami, I've changed my mind. I'm going to kill him after all." Klaus shouts. When no one respond I begin to grow worried.

Klaus goes to find her but comes back and informs us Mikael has taken her. My face becomes stoic as my face starts growing paler and dark eye bags begin forming.

"Wake Davina, tell her to bring Mikael back." Klaus orders Kol.

"Let me think. No. But you should probably get going, Nik. Mikael, he's probably jonesing for a restorative snack about now. It'd be a shame for you to find, Cami, is it? Nothing more than a bloodless husk." Almost instantly Kol has a sword against his throat because of an Oni I summoned.

"Now, now Kol. We really don't appreciate that kind of talk." I say, gently picking Davina up and lying her across the couch so she comfy. She thinks I didn't catch the eye flutter and small smile but I did, just choosing to ignore it for now. Kol on the other hand looks like he could die from fear.

"Foxy I-I-I'm sorry. I got carried away with Nik. I forgot she was your cousin." He stutters.

"Just watch over witchy here for us. We have some hunting to do." I announce with a smirk. I walk outside as both Kol and Klaus step out my way. I summon the rest of the Oni.

"Find her. Now!" I order and instantly they poof away in clouds of smoke each blowing in different directions. I begin storming off in the last direction the Oni didn't travel in.

"First you take my mother. And if you dare try to take Cami away. I am going to make classic torture look like a fucking pillow fight."

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