Chapter IX

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Christmas has been fun for everyone, but New Year's was a blast. Literally.

A day before New Year's, Jennie and Rosé managed to convince Lisa to bring them to their mansion. When they got there, they were greeted by Lisa's father and grandmother.

"Priya! It's good to know you're staying for the New Year! Come, I have something to show you girls.", Lisa's granny excited welcomed the girls and dragged them to the huge backyard. What welcomed them made then excited.

"Fireworks. Really, mom?", Lisa's father shook his head and went back to his office, while the elder didn't mind him  She wanted Lisa to have a fun time during her stay and she knows how much she loves them.

"Is anything wrong, Jennie-unnie?", Lisa noticed how pale the older looks, while staring at the fireworks.

"Jennie-unnie's a little scared of big explosions.", Rosé held her unnie's hand tight. Lisa widened her eyes and immediately went towards her grandmother.

"Granny, is it okay if we don't use all of the fireworks? That pale friend of mine over there's a little scared. We can still use that mild one, and those sparkling sticks.(I'm sorry I forgot what it's called.)

"Sure, honey. I'll let the maids know. Bring them to your room and get her some water."

Lisa nodded her head and got some water, greeting the maids as she passed by them. Lisa guided her two friends up to her room, where they quickly got comfortable. 

"You guys want to watch something? Or should we just rest?", Lisa asked as she sat down on one of her bean bag chairs.

"Maybe sleep? Then we could actually light some fireworks!", Jennie smiled as she closed her eyes before drifting to sleep.

"And here we thought she couldn't handle them.", the Aussie chuckled and stared at Lisa.

The past few months were fun with Lisa around, but she could always feel like her best friend is closer to the Thai girl. She could feel that Lisa is somehow avoiding her. She frowned, which Lisa took notice.

"You alright, Chaeng?", Lisa said as she lied down, not bothering to look at her friend's eyes. This made Chaeyoung sad.

"Yeah. Just need some rest. Night.", Rosé then lied down and closed her eyes.

Lisa frowned at the response but didn't think much of it. She just shrugged it off and drifted of to sleep.

After a an hour, Lisa's grandmother woke the three girls up and invited them to set up the fireworks. Everything was going smoothly until Rosé somehow mixed up the loud and very explosive fireworks with the mild ones. So, instead of admiring the beauty from afar, they got to put out the fire that was created by it. Jennie laughed about it, though she was still a bit scared, and Rosé smiled sheepishly as she looked at everyone and begged for forgiveness.

It was a terrifying but good experience that will haunt everyone, noting that Rosé should not be anywhere near fireworks or anything that is combustible.

Now let' go back to Jisoo.

Jisoo has been enjoying the past few months despite missing her best friend. They would often call each other and play online games together.

She has been competing in an Inter-school Mario Kart Tournament and League of Legends Tournament. She and her team won the finals and became champions in League of Legends among schools in Seoul.

She was a top student. She had consistent grades, joined a decent club, and is actually their batch representative. She just wished Lisa was there.

On the other hand, Jisoo met new people. She met new friends and acquaintances and would hang out with them.

For New Years, she and her friends went shopping and sang karaoke. She even hangs out with Mina and her friends, with Chaeyoung of course. Son Chaeyoung and her actually became friends along with Im Nayeon and Park Jihyo.

With both of their lives moving forward, being their for each other made the two best friends happy and enjoyable. It went on for  years, time didn't stop. Eventually, the two best friends talked less due to different time zones and schedules. They had a hard time keeping up with each other.  The usual 3 hour a day talk became an hour a day, to once a week, to once or twice a month.

Lisa and Jisoo finally graduated high school and entered college. The expected three years in Thailand became four, then five, which eventually became 6. (A/N: (G)-Idle will always be 6!)

Little did they know, the day has arrived.

September 29, 2021: The day Lisa returns to Korea to continue her college degree.

A lot has changed and she became uneasy.

She just wishes that nothing has changed between her and Jisoo.

Jennie and Rosé is worried about Lisa. Spending six years together made them closer than ever. They saw how everyone grew up to be the person they are today. They understood how everyone acts, what they want and don't want.

They noticed how Lisa barely talks to that Jisoo girl anymore and were worried. They knew it was her best friend but how distant they got after those years is worrying.

Rosé and Jennie knew that things have changed, but was it for the better? or for the worst?

Because of this, they decided to move to Korea with Lisa. Sure, they visited Korea before but living is still different. They hope that everything goes smoothly as they hoped it would be, for them and for Lisa. 



Hello! I know I really fast-forwarded this story but if I continued it the way I originally planned it, it'll take forever to finish this. So, I do apologize for the 6-year gap. There will be some changes with the original plot but I assure you, Jensoo and Chaelisa will prevail!

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