She manipulated herself into thinking that that were true.

In the reality of things, M/n's father only looked upon the woman that he had an affair with for the pleasure of it. The sex. He was ashamed to admit it, even if just to himself, but she completely captivated him that he couldn't help but go back.

But it wasn't love.

He was a smart man, he knew the different between love and lust. He loved the three children that waited for him at home after work, he loved his wife that was nothing but kind to him, he loved his family. But he lusted after the woman that would warm his bed occasionally.

The Japanese woman that was nothing but a person to have sex with when he wanted to. And he knew it was reckless, for someone like him to commit such adulatory.

But he had needs! His wife couldn't compensate for pleasing him, so he went behind her back and sought comfort in a woman that was, supposedly only here for a vacation.

How was he supposed to know that the woman was lying to him to make him commit those said acts?

When he learned the truth, he tried to force himself to stay away, but he knew he couldn't.

And that's what lead to their current situation.

She was pregnant. It was his child, no doubt that it wasn't. But she was pregnant. With his child. The man that had a family waiting home for him, had to also manage keeping her mouth shut on their new discovery.

M/n's mother, selfish and greedy, agreed to not tell anyone a word of her pregnancy or who the father was. But the deal was - she'd not tell anyone and keep M/n's life a secret, if she were to be paid handsomely.

Yeah, her fantasy of riding off into the sunset with him was gone and done with. She was no longer preying on ideas that were simply impossible.

So she'd make the most of this and use M/n's just the way she had planned to in the beginning, just a different goal in mind now.

And he had no other choice but to agree.

He couldn't afford losing his family or tarnishing the name that he had inherited.

"Every month, I want payments sent to me - split into two different transactions. One will be for me, one will go into his account," she started the preposition, "until he turns 18, you keep sending this money,"

He gulped, thinking about how long term the proposal was. But he couldn't refuse it. He literally couldn't.

And that was that.

Now, you're probably wondering why M/n was now in the airport with his mother and not in some fancy mansion that they could pay for with the money they got.

Well, on his father's end, he demanded that she leave the country at once, take M/n with her, and never return. The most distance the two grew between themselves would make out to be the best for all of the parties involved.

"When he turns 10, you must leave. And I will make sure of it, if you don't leave voluntarily, I will force you to. I don't care where you go, just don't be here,"

"Fine," she huffed, not liking the idea of being so far from the one she loved, but if it meant that he'd comply to her wishes, she would be fine with it.

That was when M/n wasn't even born yet.

And now, here he was 10 years later and being fed information he could barely keep up with.

"Where's dad?" he asked, not knowing the true damage that his words had dealt.

"Not here," she replied in a meek voice.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2021 ⏰

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