A few moments of murmuring between the Potter trio, James' voice rose up again.

  "Okay so where is she?"

  Fawn decided now was the best time to make her appearance. "I'm right here," she said awkwardly, coming out from behind the wall that she had definitely not been spying from.

  James jumped up and strutted over to her, his gaze traveling over her as if to test if she met his standards of acceptable company or not.

"Your name's Fawn?"

   Fawn just nodded, being too shocked at the realization that, 'Harry, you look just like your father,' had in fact not been an exaggeration. Honestly, she was bloody looking her best friend in the face again.

  "Brilliant, I think we'll get along then! I love does, stags and the like. Deer happen to be my favorite animals."

  Fawn had to keep herself from snorting. Knowing that he was an animagus and that Lily Evans, his future wife's patronus was a doe, was just too funny.

  "Well I sure hope so, considering I'm stuck here for the foreseeable future."

  James grinned that annoying cocky Potter grin. "Wicked!"


  "James I swear to Merlin if you leave the toilet seat up one more time I'll hex your balls off!"

  Needless to say Fawn and James were getting on great.

  It had been two weeks and the pair were already bickering like siblings. James loved it of course, he had always wanted his own sibling. Fawn however was not so happy with this arrangement. It was like dealing with Ron and Harry's crap all over again. Something she had momentarily thought she'd escaped.
Shame on her really, like father, like son.

  "You wouldn't dare!" James shouted back.

   "Watch me bit—"


  The bickering was ended by the saint of a mother, Euphemia Potter. How she managed to put up with the two sixteen year olds and not pull all her hair out was truly a mystery.

  "Sorry!" Both kids called from two of the upstairs rooms. Fleamont just laughed.

  "Don't encourage them Dear," Mia said with a sigh as she settled in with her breakfast tea.

  Fleamont looked up from the Daily Prophet, a small smile tugging at his lips. "Oh come on Mia, they're just being kids. My brother and I used to bicker like that all the time."

  Mia just hummed. She had definitely gotten quite accustomed to Fleamont and Charlus' banter over the decades that the couple had been together.

   "I seem to recall that you still do."

   "Do not!" Monty scoffed.

  Euphemia simply rolled her eyes. They'd planned for one kid and yet she was raising three, one of which was nearing seventy.

   That night in the middle of dinner, someone came flying out of their Floo. Fawn jumped at the noise, but the Potter's seemed unaffected.

  "Will you go check on that dear?" Mia asked her son, who promptly took action.

  After a few minutes of faded conversation, James returned with a worn out, raven-haired boy.

"Hey Monty, hey Mia, mind if I stay here a while?" the boy asked, a sheepish smile painted on his bleeding face.

Mia shot over to him immediately. "Of course dear!" she said, bringing him into a hug. When she pulled away though, she examined his face closely. "What on earth did they do to you?"

Sirius just shrugged, "You know, the usual."

   "This should not be the usual," Mia huffed angrily as she began muttering healing spells and dabbing Sirius' face with a wet cloth.

   "James, please find Sirius some clothes and start a warm bath," she commanded, her mother mode kicking in.

  "Oh, and tidy up his room alright," she called as an afterthought as James began ascending up the stairs.

"Sure thing Mum."

  Fawn didn't know how to act. This boy was the man she had nearly sacrificed her life for not even two weeks ago. Now here he was, sixteen years old, curly hair plastered with sweat, eyes bloodshot, and face bloody. This was not the Sirius Black she had grown to know.

  So, she stood there awkwardly as Mia healed him and murmured sweet words and Monty tried to strike up a conversation about Quidditch to distract Sirius from what had clearly been a traumatic event.

  Eventually she decided it was best to go and see if James needed any help. She found him, sitting on a spare room bed, staring blankly at the beige colored wall.

"James, are you alright?"

Blinking rapidly, James looked up to see the girl that had quickly become a sister. "Uh yeah fine, just worried about Sirius is all."

  Fawn took a seat beside him. "Does this happen a lot?"

  "Not like this. He'll usually run away at least once during the summer but it's never gotten this bad. I don't know, I think this is it."

   Fawn furrowed her brow in confusion. "It?" she asked, "What does that mean?"

  James sighed and ran his hands over his face and through his hair in tired frustration. "He won't be going back this time. He-this time he means it. He's been talking about it a lot, getting disowned, running away. I just-I never really thought he'd go through with it. I'm not saying he's a coward, cause he isn't, it's just that his parents are beyond terrifying. Leaving them is practically a set up for suicide. His home life is bad, really bad, but the repercussions of him leaving..." Unable to finish that thought, James broke off, his gaze returning to the dried drip of paint on the wall.

  Fawn rested a hand on his forearm. "I'm sure it will all work out how it's supposed to."

  She knew that those words meant nothing, that it was all for a false sense of comfort. She knew that none of this worked out ideally, that neither of these boys got the fates they deserved. But what was she supposed to say?

'Oh yeah don't worry you'll be dead in five years anyway and will be leaving behind an orphaned son, so in the grand scheme of things Sirius' disownment is quite minuscule.'

  No. That was definitely not the right way to go. Besides, Hermione had made it quite clear that changing the events of the past was beyond dangerous.

  Fawn, as she sat on the bed attempting to comfort her best friend's dead father, realized she'd have to experience the first war and all that came with it first hand. And there was nothing she could do about it.

The Truth Behind the Veil ✔️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon