Chapter 35

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Everything was prepared in the Jeon mansion and everyone was super excited for the surprise... except one ...Jungkook ...he was just busy pacing back and forth in his room thinking about all the possible things that could go wrong in the party ...
He didn't want to think negative but he couldn't help it ...

And that is the main reason why he is not ready yet and Taehyung is already on his way there ...

"Kookie ..are you rea...what are doing Jungkook? Why are you not ready yet ...they will come here anytime now ..." Jin said while entering jungkook's room ...

"I don't know Jin hyung ...I am scared ...what if he didn't like all these ...!!!" Jungkook said ...

"Oh my baby ...why do you think he will not like it ...he will love it ...don't worry bub ...and comeon now, get ready ...I will help you " Jin said and pushed Jungkook towards the washroom with his clothes for changing ...

After a few minutes, Jungkook came out of the washroom, completely dressed and Jin was in awe ...

"Woahhh ....taebear will definitely drool over you . are looking  beautiful ..." Jin said. ..

"Now come and sit down, I will do your makeup ..." Jin continued ...

Jin helped Jungkook to get ready and after a few minutes,they went down downstairs ...

"My baby is looking so pretty. ...I am proud of you " Yoona said and hugged Jungkook

"Don't worry everything will be ok ..." Junghyun said and patted jungkook's head ...

"Guys, Yuri aunty just texted me that they will be here in five minutes ..." Jimin said and everyone nodded ...

"Let's get to the plan then ..." Yoongi said and they all went to hide in their hiding places with all the necessary things ...

And just after 5 to 6 minutes, the doorbell rang and the head butler unlocked the door ...
When Taehyung and his parents entered the living room, they were met with darkness ...

"Why is it so dark ...are they not home ? Mom, you didn't tell them that we are coming ? Mom??...why are you not answering me Dad ? Aapa ..?? " Taehyung turned around to look for his parents only to find that they were not there ...

"Mom ? Where are you ? " Taehyung again turned to the front but couldn't see anything because of the darkness ...
And then suddenly ....

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!"  the lights went on and everyone came out of their hiding places while popping the party poppers and confettis ...

And Taehyung was taken aback with all these ...when he adjusted to the light, his eyes went wide and his jaw dropped while looking at all his loved ones and the decorations of the whole house ...

when he adjusted to the light, his eyes went wide and his jaw dropped while looking at all his loved ones and the decorations of the whole house

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MADE FOR EACH OTHER (TAEKOOK)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora