Chapter 29

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The next day, Jimin went to jeon's mansion and saw that everyone (except taekook and Sungho ) were present there in the living room...he silently came to them and sat down ...

"What happened Jimin ? Why did you not tell us anything yesterday on the call ? And why are you so serious ..." Jin asked

"I didn't tell you because it is something to be discussed face to face and I am serious coz our plan has completely flipped " Jimin says with a sigh ...

"What do you mean babe ?" Yoongi asked

" Where is Jungkook ? He is not at home  right ?" Jimin asked

"No, I sent him to the office for a meeting with Sungho today as well ..and it will take him about two hours to return home " Junghyun said and they all nodded ...

"Ok, so I talked to Taehyung about why he is doing all this and the answer he gave me was really unbelievable " Jimin said

"Oh comeon Jimin, don't beat around the bush and get to the point " Jin said irritatingly ...

" Taehyung is feeling insecure about himself an..." "What do yo.."  Jimin couldn't complete himself because Yoongi interrupted him and this made Jimin angry and he shouted and cut off Yoongi mid sentence

"DON'T CUT ME OFF WHEN I AM SPEAKING!!!" ...Jimin shouted and everyone was shocked because Jimin is always a fluff ball who doesn't shout and scream at someone, specially Yoongi whom he loves more than himself they understood that this must be something very important ...

"Jimin you continue one will interrupt you " Namjoon said

Jimin took a deep breathe and continued ...

"Taehyung is insecure that he is not good enough ...he told me he is not capable of making Jungkook happy and the part that's worse is, he feels that someone else makes kookie more happy than himself ...and you know who that someone is according to Taehyung ?? It's Sungho hyung ...*loud gasps were heard from everyone and Jimin sighed and continued* ...he thinks that sungho hyung is the man that can keep Jungkook safe and happy ... remember when we were talking about how Jungkook is so happy and contented when he is with Sungho hyung for making Taehyung jealous and hobi hyung said that he is the man every girl and boy will want to be with...that is when it all started, he started believing that he is not worth and he doesn't deserve kookie ...he thinks that sungho hyung will be the best one to make Jungkook smile..that is why he is avoiding kookie so that he can forget about his feelings ...and he believes that if he keeps avoiding kookie, kookie will eventually forget about him ...I suggested him that he should talk to Jungkook and sort out the problem but  he doesn't have the courage to face Jungkook ...he doesn't want Jungkook to feel burdened because of his feelings " Jimin said and looked down feeling extremely upset ...

"This is not at all good ...we were trying to make them together and now they are more distant because of the stupid plan ...I should not have said that sungho hyung can make kookie happy.'s my fault ..ughh!!" Hobi said and hid his face in his hand in frustration ...

"No hobi baby's not your fault was our plan to make him jealous and we didn't except it to take another turn ...don't blame yourself" Yuri  said

"Guys I think we should tell them the truth because this is going nowhere...they are just becoming more and more apart and I can't take it anymore ...fuck this whole plan and let's tell them the truth ..." Jimin said and Jin nodded ...

"First of all ..Jimin mind your language and second I think it will be right if we tell them the truth ..." Yoona said and they all nodded ...

"But how will they handle all this ...I mean will they understand and will they forgive us ..." Yoongi said

"I am sure they will understand...we did all this so that they can be together and happy ... but now that it went downhill we should not hide anything from them ...they will indeed be very angry but I am sure that they will eventually forgive us ..." Jaesung said and they nodded but we're soon interrupted by a loud thud.  ..

They turned towards the source of the sound and we're shocked to see ...

"S...Sungho ..." ......


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