Chapter 16

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" you all know what to do right?!" Jin asks

"Yes, and as planned, we will make sure that they both are living in the same room " Jimin answers smirking

You must be wondering what is going on right??
Well, after everyone agreed for the vacation, they all went back to their home and Jungkook went to office ...
But our little kookie and our babybear tae didn't knew that everybody didn't go to their own houses... instead Jin, Namjoon, Yoongi, Hoseok and Jimin went to Jin's house to discuss about their plan ...
Their plan of getting taekook together ...
So now they all are sitting in the living room talking about their plan and how to execute it ...

"Omg !! I am so excited for this ....I know this will work out 100%" Hoseok said squealing ...

"Yeah ...and I am damn sure that if they will be together, Taehyung will get a chance to explain his side of the story as to why he behaved so badly with kookie ..." Namjoon said

" Ikr, I know Taehyung did wrong ...I mean very wrong but everyone deserves a second chance and our kookie will definitely give him a second chance after knowing the truth " Yoongi said and everyone nodded

"Ok, back to the plan ....we will go to our ...." Everyone continued to plan everything and after few hours they all left to go to their respective houses ...


It was now next week and everybody was excited to go on their vacation ...
They all decided to meet at Jin's house and then leave together ...

Hoseok and Taehyung were the last ones to arrive at Jin's place and once they came, jin and Jimin started scolding them ...

"Yah!!! Don't you have any sense ? Huh? Do you know how much our skin got tanned because we were waiting for you ? " Jimin screams

"Bloody idiots ...can't do a thing right ... Why didn't you come at time ...we all got so tired waiting for you both for so long ...but you didn't even appreciate it can you two be such brat huh? Now just because of you I will have to go to the parlour again to remove this tan from my flawless self ... " Jin also joined jimin but he was nore like rapping it in one single breathe

"Sorry hyung ...I would have arrived here on time but hobi hyung called me and told that he broke his car and it's not starting so I will have to pick him up ...that's why we are late ..." Taehyung said and pouted a bit making jungkook's heart do a backflip ...

'so cute' Jungkook thought to himself and bit his lips to not smile at the elder's cuteness ...

" Ok fine ...let's go now " Namjoon finally said and took Jin's hand to drag him to the car ...

" Me , Jin and Hoseok are going in my car" Namjoon said and the trio went to his car ...

" Yoonie, I want to go with you plz" Jimin said and gave Yoongi his puppy eyes. ..

"No need to be so cute baby ..of course you are going with me " Yoongi said and pecked jimin's cheek...

"I will drive my own car then " Jungkook said but he didn't seem to notice the upset look on Taehyung's face ...

"Oo..ok then ..I guess!!! ". Taehyung said with a sigh which Jimin noticed ...

'this is not what we planned , so I won't let it happen' Jimin thought to himself...

"Oh kookie ...why will you both go on your own ...take Taehyung's car ..let him do some work. ..." Jimin said and slightly nudged Yoongi from the back telling him to say something as well...

"Oo ..yeah kooks, moreover this idiot here is good at driving so you don't have to worry ...and if you go alone, you will be bored as hell and will get tired easily because it's a long way ...but if you both go together, you can take shifts in driving if one of you gets tired , also you will not be bored it's a win win for you ..." Yoongi explains

"Ok then ...we can go together if it's fine with you " Jungkook says and turns to Taehyung who nodded immediately with a big smile and Jungkook turned his face away from Taehyung, flustered and blushing from that broad boxy smile ...

"Yay!!! Let's go now ....we will be late ..." Jimin said and they nodded and went to their cars ...

" you want me to drive, or will you?" Jungkook asked Taehyung once they reached their car ...

"I will do it " Taehyung said smiling and Jungkook was about to open the passenger seat's door when Taehyung came and opened it ....
Jungkook was once again blushing furiously but the notheless said and quick 'thanks' and sat down and while sitting, Taehyung put his hand on top on jungkook's head so that he would not get hurt by the door's metal frame ...
Then Taehyung closed the door and went to the driver's seat and when he saw Jungkook, he swear he had to put the strength of every single cell of his body to not just lean in and squish the younger in his arms and keep him there forever because of how cute and tempting Jungkook was looking with red cheeks and extremely flustered face ...
And Taehyung was beyond happy to know that he was the cause of it ...

Soon they both were following the other two cars while listening to the soft melody that was playing ...
Neither of them was saying anything, it was completely silent, only the music and their soft breathes were heard in the car but it was not at all awkward was very comfortable ...they were comfortable and contented with each other by their sides ...


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