Chapter 3

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Jungkook and Yugyeom were still talking when jungkook's phone rang and it was his father. ..

(Normal - Jungkook)
(Italics- Father)

" Yes father" Jungkook said

"Jungkook-ah , can you come to the office right now ..." His father said

"What happened father? Is it something important?" Jungkook

"You remember we had a talk with Mr. Oh about our new product..
He wants to have a meeting with us now to confirm the deal can you come here and explain the details to him ?" Father

"Ok dad ...I will be there" Jungkook

He said and hung up ...

" Gyeomie, I think I need to leave for today wants me to be in the company I will see you tomorrow I guess" Jungkook said to Yugyeom

"Ok kookie ...I will see you soon ...take care" Yugyeom replied with and smile and Jungkook smiled back, stood up and left ...

It was now time for the next class and Jimin and Taehyung had the same class ...
Everybody entered the classroom and sat down except one...after sometime, the teacher came and started teaching ...

Everyone was either chatting and whispering with each other or were paying attention to the lesson but one of them was not able to concentrate on anything because he was searching for something or more like a certain someone ...
But he was snapped from his thoughts when his best friend whispered in his ear ...

"Hey tae ...what are you looking for ?" Jimin whispered

"Huh?? Uh..nothing ..." Tae

"But you seem distracted" Jimin

"It's nothing jiminie ... just pay attention to the teacher" tae said and looked forward ..

"As you say " Jimin said and did the same ..

'Where did that snob go ....must be bunking classes ...all rich people are the same ...brat ' tae thought to himself and scoffed...

Meanwhile at the Jeon Corporations....

".........So gentlemen,with this I would like to end my presentation...thank you " Jungkook said and bowed to the other businessmen. ..

He came and sat down at his place and Mr. Oh started speaking. ..

"Mr.Jeon, it was really appreciable..I am impressed ...moreover being at such a small age and giving this huge and mind blowing presentation all by himself, I am more impressed by your son ...
You can really be a great influence my dear" Mr. Oh said and turned towards Jungkook who bowed and thanked him ...

"So Mr. Jeon ...I think there's no need of wasting time...where do I have to sign coz I am not that stupid to not work with such a great company as yours. .." Mr .Oh said and chuckled

"Thank you so much for giving us this chance ...we are pleased to work with you" Mr.Jeon said handed him the papers ...

"The pleasure's all mine " Mr.oh said and signed the papers. ..

"Done I think I should take my leave ...we will meet very soon " Mr.oh said and stood up to leave and Mr.Jeon escorted him out ...

After they left, Junghyun came to Jungkook and hugged him tightly and Jungkook hugged back with a smile ...

"Well done my son ...I am proud of you " Junghyun said

"Thanks dad " Jungkook

"Now you can go home and take some rest must be tired ..." Junghyun said

"Ok dad ...when will you come home today?" Jungkook asked

"I have a buisness dinner with a client so I will be late " Junghyun replied ...

"Ok ...bye dad" Jungkook said and left  ...

Jungkook went to the parking lot and sat in his car ...

"Uncle ...can you plz drive to the park's been long since I went there " Jungkook said to the driver ( Uncle Lee)

"Ok jungkook-ah" uncle Lee said and drove towards the park ...

After sometime they reached the park and and Jungkook went to outside ...he saw an empty bench and  sat there, watching many kids and their parents playing and laughing together ...he sighed, remembering about the days he and mother would come to the park and play like others ...
He was sitting there and watching the kids when someone saw him ....


Taehyung's pov

School is finally over, and I was preparing to go home when Jimin told that he has a date with Yoongi so he won't be walking with me ...
I sighed and went outside the school campus ....I was walking by the park and I saw someone very familiar so out of curiosity, I went closer and realised that it was none other than Jungkook. ..

'what is he doing here ? '
'so he bunked his class to come here ...'
'why do people like him get all these facilities ??there are alot of students who don't get to study ... shouldn't they get this chance because they will actually study and not bunk classes to waste time and money ...'
'someone should teach them to value things and people's feelings'
I thought to myself and rolled my eyes and went away ...

Only if he stayed for a little more and saw what happened after that, he wouldn't have misunderstood him AGAIN...

Third person's pov

After Taehyung left, Jungkook also stood up to leave but he saw that a man was sitting on the ground near the tree and was shivering ....he quickly went towards him and saw that the man was looking very pale as if he had not eaten anything since many days and his clothes were also torn ...

He went towards him and crouched to his level ...

"Hey ..." Jungkook said in a low voice to not scare the person ...the person looked up and replied with a small bow

"Why are you sitting like this .. you will catch a cold " Jungkook said in a soft voice ...

"I ..I don't..ha..have" the man replied. .

Suddenly Jungkook stood up and took his jacket off ...he wrapped the jacket around the the man's small figure and sat back down ...

"Wait here for a minute " He again said and ran somewhere ...

After a few minutes, he came back with some food and coffee and gave them to the man ...

"You do..don't have " the man stuttered ...

"But I want to " Jungkook said and smiled ...

"Thank you" ghe man said started eating ..

'i am really lucky  that I can have all these things ' Jungkook thought to himself whole looking at the man who was eating peacefully ...

The man thanked him again and then Jungkook finally went to his home ...


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