Chapter 10

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( A/N- I just realised that I have very less conversations with you all I just wanted to inform you that if you want to know anything about me or if you have any questions for me, do tell me ...I am eager for all your response ...:) )

Happy reading ❤️

The party ended and now only the Kims and the Jeons were in the Jeon mansion ...they were sitting in the living room and chatting happily ...the elders were busy talking and catching up with each other leaving the younger two to themselves and it was so awkwardly silent between them .... Taehyung finally decided to bring up a conversation..but just as he was about to say something Jungkook said to his dad ...

"Dad,may I go and rest in my room ...I am not feeling well
Uncle and aunty ...If you both also don't mind !!! " Jungkook said and turned towards Jaesung and Yuri

"Of course son must be tired was such a long day and you did so good " Junghyun said and smiled ...

"Yes of course course dear ...we don't mind must have been really tiring to take care of everything well" Yuri said

"Thank you" Jungkook said and bowed a little and left ...

He went to his room and took off his suit , picked some comfortable clothes from his closet and went to take a shower ...
As soon as the slightly warm water hit his body , he felt his muscles relax and sighed ...he closed his eyes to enjoy the running water but as soon as he did ...the picture of Taehyung's pleading face came up in front of him...he gasped and opened his eyes abruptly ...
"What are you doing to me Kim " he muttered to himself and shook his head ...
He finished his shower and walked to his room ...he dried his hair slightly and plopped on his king sized bed ...
He closed his eyes and let sleep take over because he was too tired from all the hardwork ...

After a few minutes, Yoona said

"Honey, I think we should check on Kookie once, he seemed so tired ...I will just see if he is well or not .." Yoona said and was about to stand up but Yuri stopped her ...

"Babe , you just sit ... Taehyung will go and check up on him ...right Tae?" Yuri said and Taehyung was shocked ...he didn't want Jungkook to hate him for entering his room without permission or make Jungkook more upset than he already is but he had no choice ..

"Yeah mom" Taehyung said and stood up ...

"Thank you dear's in the right corner on the second floor .." Yoona said ...

Taehyung went to where he was told and and saw a blue door ...
He knocked on it first but didn't get any answer so he opened it a little bit and peeked his head through it and saw Jungkook was sleeping ...
He went inside and saw the most beautiful scene of his life ...Jungkook was sleeping so peaceful with a cute and small pout on his lips, he looked so carefree like a small baby who needs to be protected from the world and Taehyung just wanted to pick him up , put him inside his own pocket and keep him all to himself . .

He smiled at the sight and sat on the edge of the bed

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He smiled at the sight and sat on the edge of the bed ...he  removed a few bangs of hair which were falling on his eyes and slowly and whispered ...

"I am so sorry baby ...I hurt you so much but I promise that I will make it up for you ..I will protect you, I will give you all the love that you deserve ...let me prove myself to you .." Taehyung said and softly caressed his cheeks but then he found out that his cheeks were very hot ...he touched jungkook's forehead and realised that Jungkook had high fever ...

"Oh god have fever " Taehyung muttered and stood up to bring the medicine kit ...

He went to the bathroom and and opened the drawer ... luckily he found the kit on the top shelf and ran back to the room ...he gently tried to wake up the younger but the younger was not waking up ...

"Kookie wake up have to take medicine have fever baby ..." Taehyung softly spoke and this time the younger woke up. ..Jungkook looked up and saw that Taehyung was looking at him with concern in his beautiful eyes ...
He sat up and asked ...
"What are you doing here?" Jungkook said and sat up and immediately felt his head hurting like hell ...

"Your mom told me to check on you and I found that you have fever I woke you up so that you can eat your medicine " Taehyung said in a small voice ...

"Thank you ...but I can take care of myself can leave  " Jungkook said sternly

"Plz Jungkook ...don't do this to me .. plz just this once .. let me take care of you .. plz eat the medicine and then I will leave " Taehyung said and Jungkook sighed ...

"Ok fine ..." Jungkook said and took the medicine from tae and ate it ...

"Now leave  ..." Jungkook said and laid back down. .. Taehyung nodded and quietly left the room but something striked jungkook's head and he remembered how Taehyung called him' baby' ...he couldn't help but blush at the thought but he just decided to shake the thought off his mind and rest ...

Taehyung went downstairs and informed everyone about the fever and that he has fed him the medicine and sat down ...

After an hour, the Kims decided to leave but Taehyung wanted to see the younger one more time so he asked Junghyun about it and when he got the permission, he went towards the younger's room and opened it very quietly ...
He entered the room and sadly smiled looking at the younger ...
He softly pressed his lips onto the younger's forehead, keeping them there for a few seconds and pulling back , whispering ..." Sleep well koo ...good night ...I am sorry " Taehyung quietly whispered and left the room ...
But little did he know that Jungkook had woke up by the sound of someone entering the room and he heard all the things and felt millions of butterflies in his stomach because of the kiss ...

'aish ...why are you doing this Kim Taehyung!!!' Jungkook mentally groaned and rolled on the other side of the bed ...


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