Chapter 7

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After listening to whatever Yoongi said to Taehyung about Jungkook, he was shocked and also filled with lots of guilt ...he wanted to apologise to the younger so badly ...

"I told you Taehyung, you will regret doing all these things to him ...."Jimin said and scoffed ...

" It's my fault ...I shouldn't have done all that ...what should I do ?? I will ...I will apologize to him ..yeah ...I will apologize to him. ..he will forgive me right ?? Jimin he will forgive me ...I know ..." Tae rambled ...

" I don't think he will forgive you ...after all, those things you have said and done to him are really horrible and really hard to forget ...but don't waste any more time and go beg for his forgiveness ..." Jin said and sighed ...
Taehyung stood up and was about to leave but Yoongi said
"If you dare hurt him ...I swear to myself, I will kill you with my own bare hands "

Taehyung did not respond and rushed towards the principal's office after asking Yoongi where Jungkook went ...

When he reached the office he heard the principal and Jungkook talking so he stood outside the door listening to their conversation ...

"How are you Jungkook?" Principal asked

"I am good sir ...did you want anything important sir called me here ...?" Jungkook

"Ahh .. actually a few days ago, I was taking rounds of the school and I saw two boys talking or more like commenting on you ...they were using some harsh words I think ...I didn't hear it clearly so I went near them but on seeing me,they stopped talking and went away ...
But I know they were not  talking anything good about you I wanted to ask you ...
Ummm ...Are you being bullied ? " The principal asked feeling really bad for the younger but the younger didn't show any emotion ...

"Sir ...I have actually become used to all those words ...since I was a child, I have been suffering from the same problem ...people just don't try to understand me or they want to understand me ... they think I am using my parents and living my life in their luxury ...they never try to see the truth ...they just have one thing in their mind and that is ' all rich people are assholes' Jungkook chuckled bitterly but continued ...
And I would really request you that you plz don't inform about it to my parents ...they are already working and stressing over their own work so I don't want to burden them anymore ..." Jungkook

"No no dear ...I am your uncle and I completely understand what you are trying to say but if you don't want me to take any action against all these, they will continue to bully you. .." principal

"Uncle I don't care what they speak about me ...I just know that I am proud to be my parent's only child and to be a Jeon ...and I want to prove to the world myself that I am worth on my own .." Jungkook said and the principal smiled at him ...

"You are really a very good child kookie ...anyways how's the other things going?" The principal asked

"Everything is great uncle ...the company is gaining profits and you know, the dance studio is also going on very smoothly and yugy are trying to choreograph another dance and hobi hyung said that he will also help us from today ..." Jungkook said and smiled ...

"That's great dear ...and if you need any help don't hesitate to come to me ...I am always here to help you " principal

"Of course uncle " Jungkook said and that's when the bell for the next period rang  ..

"Ok uncle ...I will go now ...see you soon" jungkook said and left the room ...

But when he opened the door, he was met with Taehyung who was there all this time listening everything and feeling the guilt inside him rising by the younger's every word ...
The younger was shocked at first as to why the elder was here but shrugged it and was about to leave when the elder said ...

"Jungkook !!!" Taehyung said and Jungkook turned to look at him but didn't say anything ...he just raised his eyebrows as if to say ' what?'

"I ...I uh... I wanted to sa...say ...." Taehyung stuttered and Jungkook was again surprised and shocked to see him stuttering ...

"I was saying that ...umm ...I ..uh. .....
Nothing" Taehyung said quickly and ran away from there leaving the younger very confused ...

'what the hell?' Jungkook thought to himself and left ...

After running away from there, Taehyung came back to his friends and everyone asked him whether he apologized or not and he shakes his head as a no ...
And everyone facepalmed ...

"What ?? I just couldn't bring myself to talk to him ok ?don't look at me like that and tell me what to do " Taehyung said to Jin, Jimin and Hoseok because Yoongi and namjoon were still angry and was not talking to him...

"I have an idea ...I heard that the Jeons are celebrating their 28th anniversary of their company and all the workers of the company and buisnessmen men all the world are coming we all will also be invited coz either our families are their partners or we own any other  company ...and that is your chance .. you can go and apologize to him directly ...just don't chicken out this time or else none of us can help you " Jimin said and Taehyung nodded and  smiled happily ...

Then they all went to their classes and throughout the rest of the school day , Taehyung was receiving hate comments and glares from many students (who knew about jungkook's truth ) for hurting the previous little angel ...

' this is how he felt when I did all those things to him ...god I hate myself can I be this cruel ...but I will make it right .. I will gain his apology even if I have to beg or do anything for it ' Taehyung thought to himself and went to his home...

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