Chapter 27

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After the incident in the uni cafeteria, Jimin, Yoongi, Namjoon, Jin and Hoseok decided to have a meeting with Taehyung's and Jungkook's parents to discuss about the sudden changes in Taehyung ...
Mr.Jeon specially told Jungkook that their are some important file works in their office that needs to taken care of by today itself and also suggested that he can take some help of Sungho to complete them so that no one would listen to them or disturb them while they are having their 'important' meeting...

And now they all are gathered in the living room of jeon's mansion with all serious faces ...

"What do mean he is behaving oddly?" Yoona asked confused

"That means, he is not behaving like himself anymore ...he is not paying attention to kookie, no scratch that, he is basically ignoring him " Jimin answered

"Wait ....I am confused right now ...can you all explain in detail " jaesung (

"Ok, so it's been approximately 20 days or even more that Taehyung is ignoring kookie ...he is behaving normally with all of us but whenever it comes to our kook, he behaves as if kookie is not even present there, he does not talk to him , he does not reply if kookie asks him anything, whenever Jungkook tries to talk to him or approach him, he just makes any lame excuses and runs away ... moreover when we ask him about his behaviour and what's wrong, he says ' what am I behaving like ...what can go wrong with me. .. everything is fine and I am also behaving like my normal self ...don't worry hyung, I am fine ' ...
And this is why we wanted to discuss this whole thing with you all " Namjoon explained and sighed

"Since when is he behaving like this ?" Junghyun asked

"I think ....ummmm ...after the day when Sungho hyung came to our university with kookie ...." Jimin said after thinking ...

"Yeobo, I think this is why our baby is so gloomy nowadays ..." Yoona said with slight tears prickling her eyes and Junghyun was quick to hug her...

"This seems serious ...jiminah, you are tae's best friend right both share everything with each other ...can you plz do me a favour baby? " Jaesung asked Jimin with pleading eyes ...

"Uncle, why are you talking like this are like my own parents ...and I am more than ready to do anything for my own family " Jimin said

"Can you please talk to Taehyung about this matter ? At first, we didn't pay much attention to it but now that you have mentioned it, I noticed that Taehyung also seems very upset about something ... He rarely comes to have dinner with us saying he has some college work to do ..he stays in his room most of the time and doesn't smile often ..." Jaesung said and sighed deeply

" I tried uncle, bit nothing worked ...I tried talking to him many times ...I asked him what happened or what is bothering him but he is just not ready to open his mouth ..." Jimin said

" Just give him a push jiminah ...I am sure he will tell you ...he can never hide anything from you ...plz try again ...plz for me ..." Yuri who was silent all this time said or more like pleaded to Jimin ...

"I can't see both my babies suffer like that .. something must have happened between them ...plz try to find it out. ..I want my happy babies back " Yuri said and started sobbing slightly ...

"Don't worry uncle, we will try to solve whatever the problem is ...we will get them together ..." Hoseok said and gave them a weak smile ...

" I will call tae and ask him to meet me " Jimin said and dialled tae's no.

"Hello tae...yeah ...I was saying, let's meet at our favourite cafe today's been so long ...yeah ..plz ...comeon ...for me ... really? ...ok ...let's meet at 5 today ...yeah ...bye ...take care ..." Jimin ended the call and turned towards the others with a wide grin ...

"He agreed ..." Jimin said and they all sighed in relief ...

"Let's just hope, that Taehyung will open up to you tell you the reason " Yoongi said and they all nodded ...


Time skip to the cafe ...

Jimin was sitting in the cafe while waiting for Taehyung and that's when he heard someone call his name ...

"Jimin ..." Taehyung called and Jimin waved towards him to come and sit ...

"What did you want to talk about ?" Taehyung asked as he sat down ...

"How do you know I want to talk about something ....can't two besties just sit and gossip together " Jimin said nervously and Taehyung sighed then nodded  ....

They kept talking or more like Jimin kept talking with Taehyung and Taehyung just answered with a simple sentence or just by nodding ...
After noticing that Taehyung was now comfortable enough, Jimin thought of asking the main thing ...

"Umm ... Taehyung? I want to ask you something and promise me you will not lie..." Jimin said while looking straight at Taehyung's eyes and Taehyung nodded reluctantly ...

"What happened between you and kookie ? " Jimin asked and Taehyung froze ...

"No .. nothing .." Taehyung stuttered and tried to avoid any eye contact with Jimin

"Don't lie ...I know something is up ...and don't you dare lie to me anymore ... do you think we all are blind or we all don't see and understand anything ...we all can clearly see how you are avoiding him you always run away from him ...and you are saying that it's nothing??? Are you listening to yourself tae ? Why are doing this ?why are you lying to us "? Jimin asked sternly

"I..I am ..I am not..." Taehyung couldn't complete himself when Jimin interrupted him

"Oh yes you are  ...why tae ...don't you trust us ...don't you trust me ..I am your best friend tae...what happened to the promise that we will never hide anything from each other ...what happened to the promise that we will never lie to each other ...ok fine, leave about us ...what about kookie ...why are you doing this to him ...why are you ignoring his whole existence ...can't you see how upset he is ...can't you feel his pain told us that you love him more than yourself right? Then what happened suddenly that you do not even consider talking to him ...did you notice how gloomy he is whenever you avoid him ...did you notice how he looks at you with pleading eyes so that you just talk to him for once ...did you notice how his eyes are puffy and swollen ...can't you understand that he is crying because of you ... " Jimin said and till this time tears were flowing down his cheeks ...
And Taehyung was listening to all this with tears in his eyes that were threatening to fall any second ...


Hi my precious people...
How are you guys ?

What is you favourite BTS song?
Mine is 'the truth untold' , 'dynamite' , 'butter',' permission to dance' , 'idol' , 'fire' ...I can't select between their songs 😂😅...all of their songs are always lit but these are my most favourite songs of all time ...

Plz, vote, share, follow and comment...

Thank you so much for reading 😊❤️


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