Chapter 22

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The next day, Namjoon called taekook's parents and informed them about the whole situation and their plan and obviously they were very happy to hear the whole thing and decided to help them ...

In the evening, Namjoon called everyone (except taekook) in his room to discuss about the plan . ..

"Where are tae and kook ? What did you all tell them. ..they didn't get suspicious right!??" Namjoon asked them as soon as they all entered the room ...

"Shut up you think we are fools that we will let them get suspicious ??" Yoongi said boredly and laid on the bed ...

"Jin told them that we ran out of groceries and sent them to the mall which is at an hour's distance from here by telling them that we will have galbi tonight and that mall sells the best food products. ... now don't waste time and tell us everything. .." Yoongi again said and yawned while keeping his head on jimin's lap who started stroking his hair....

"Ok fine. I called uncle and aunty and told them about everything except the part when Taehyung used be an asshole and behave rudely....
And as expected, both of their parents were way more than happy and are ready to help us in anything....
I explained our whole plan of making Taehyung jealous and all to them and they suggested that when we will go back there, we will start our plan. .."Namjoon explained

"Wait ..what plan?" Jin asked ...

"That I don't know ...but I know one thing and that is taekook will get together at any cost now that their parents are with us .." Namjoon said and smiled proudly and others agreed ..

"Ok so for now, we will just enjoy ourselves and then we will go back home the day after tomorrow..." Jin said

After the discussion, everyone went to the living room and watched some movies.
1 hour later, taekook came back with the food products and were very tired, so Jin decided to cook dinner and after eating,they all went to sleep ...

The next day they decided to visit the famous museum of that area and their day was spent while laughing, sometimes bickering as to which piece of art for more beautiful, admiring every part of the museum and the things kept there and most importantly spending and enjoying times with the most important people of their lives....
Soon it was night and they decided to sleep earlier because they had to leave early in the morning, so they all went to their rooms and slept. ..

Morning came very quickly, and they decided to drive in the same way like how they came here ...
Soon they took their cars and drove off....
It was late evening when they reached their destination or more like Jin's house because Jungkook's car was still parked in the parking of Jin's mansion. ..

"Hmmm!!! Such a tiring day it was. ..." Jimin said and streched out his hands upwards to sooth his joints

"Do you guys want to stay over ? We all are tired and it will be good if you rest for today and then you can leave tomorrow if you want " Jin suggested. .

" Umm jin hyung...I will not be able to stay here's been one whole week and I didn't do any of my works ...and I also informed dad that I was coming back today so they will also be waiting for me "

" No no's ok kookie....I understand , your parents must be missing you " Jin said smiling...

"Thanks hyung. ...I will take my leave then ...bye " Jungkook said and went towards his car ...
Soon they all saw Jungkook driving his car to the lane and with once last glance and wave, Jungkook drove towards his house  ...

Taehyung, jimin,Yoongi and Hoseok also went home whereas Namjoon stayed with Jin in his house ...

The next morning,the Jeons and the Kims decided to have a get together along with their children (it was also because of their plan ) so the Kims were going the the Jeon mansion about which Taehyung and Jungkook didn't knew ...

"Taehyung-ah....wake up baby. ...we will get late . ." Yuri ( said and entered Taehyung's room who was sleeping peacefully while dreaming of his bunny ...

When Taehyung didn't wake up, Yuri patted his head and again told him to wake up only to earn a groan from Taehyung . .

" !! It's so early ..why are you waking me up?? Let me sleep " Taehyung groaned sleepily and turned over to sleep on his stomach with blanket covering his head...

"Oh ... actually we were going to uncle jeon's house, that is why I told you to get ready but I guess you are tired and need your sleep ... dont worry me and your father will go by ourselves .. you sleep and take rest " Yuri said and fake sighed but soon smirked when she saw Taehyung snapped his head out of the blanket, got up from the bed and ran towards the bathroom shouting " I will be ready in ten minutes"
Yuri just chuckled at his son's reaction and mumbled " he is definitely whipped for that bunny"


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MADE FOR EACH OTHER (TAEKOOK)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora