His suit formed around him from his ring on his finger. As soon as it was done he ran circles around the alien to try and suck out the oxygen from the air. The alien started to look weaker and it seemed like it was working and thought he could end the fight early. He threw a punch across the alien's face but it's scales were rock hard. He saw a giant hand in front of him then the alien grabbed Barry's torso and was crushing his body.

Barry felt his ribs cracking under the alien's strength but the alien threw him forwards and into a building, shattering the wall.

"That hurt...." He muttered.

He grabbed a nearby wall and pulled himself up to his feet. His eyes wideden in panic when he looked forwards towards the alien and saw a ball of fire coming towards him. The ball of fire passed right through him as he phased through it.

Barry found a metal pole on the ground next to him and let his lightning flow through it. A deep sigh escaped his mouth as he clenched his fist around the pole in his hands. In a flash of lightning and gust of wind he sped forwards and impaled the alien in the chest with the metal pole.

"Shit....." He mumbled as the alien swatted Barry away. He was rolling across the street and quickly pushed himself to his feet.

The plan formulated in his mind upon seeing that the metal pole was still in the alien's chest. But the only problem was that Barry wasn't strong enough to knock the alien down.


Kara, Ellie, Caitlin and Lena escaped the building but they saw Barry get launched out of the building and into a wall. 

"We need to help him." Kara said worriedly.

"You can't risk exposing yourself." Caitlin replied.

"If I don't help him Barry will die. You know he can't fight that thing alone." Kara argued.

Caitlin sighed and pulled a small silver object out of her purse that was shaped like a pen. She pointed it at Kara and pressed a button as a blue light came out of it and chaged Kara's face.

"This is your disguise for now. It'll wear off in a few minutes." Caitlin said.

Kara looked at herself in a nearby window and saw she had black hair and tanned olive skin.

"Cool." Ellie smiled.

"Now go, The Flash needs you." Caitlin said.

"Wait what?" Lena asked confused

"Oh right.....we're aliens." Ellie said with a proud smile. 

Kara pulled her glasses off her face and gave them to Ellie. She flew forwards as fast as her body would allow her and into the air. She saw Barry in a stand off with the alien and saw how badly he was injuried.

She rocketed down towards the alien and was about to punch him until she saw the alien look up at her.

She was going too fast and it was too late. The alien had swung his hammer and hit Kara away and into the side of a car, blowing it up.


Barry used that distraction and flash forwards and grab onto the pipe in the alien's chest. He used all the lightning he could muster and sent it into the pipe. He heard the alien roar in pain and was grabbed and thrown away again.

"So that hurt huh?" Barry smirked wiping the blood from his lip. His speed healing and his stubborness was the only thing keeping him in the fight.

Kara stepped out of the fire and saw the dress that Caitlin had kindly let her borrow was ripped and burnt. She pulled her phone out and dialed Barry's number and let it ring.

Barry was getting ready to go for the finishing blow when he felt his comms ringing. He tapped on the side of his mask to answer the call.

"Hey Barr." Kara said.

"I'm kinda busy right now."

"I'm over here." She waved. Barry looked over the alien's shoulder and saw a woman, who looked nothing like his girlfriend waving at him.

"Can I call you back later?"

"Don't you dare hang up on me." Kara threatened, "Look I can help you take this guy down." She said.

"All you need to do is knock him over. I can do the rest." Barry said.

"Alrighty, love you." She said before hanging up. She launched herself forwards towards the alien's legs.

She wound her arm back and using as much power as she could muster she swept the alien's legs out from under him. With a loud crash the alien landed on it's back.

Barry smiled at his girlfriend before speeding onto the alien's chest and grabbing onto the metal pole. He charged his speedforce lightning again through the pole and again heard the alien roar in pain.

It felt like an eternity before the alien finally passed out. Barry let out a sigh and fell onto his back in exhaustion.

"I got you Barr." Kara said lifting him into her arms and flying away. The last thing he saw was the disguise wear off before he passed out.

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