81, wall street - 36

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*Hunter's POV*

The car ride home was eerily quiet. Elijah had volunteered to drive, while Meg and Raven sat in the back, holding each other.

I would never forget the scream that tumbled out of Raven's mouth when she found Liv. It echoed in my ears on replay. The sight of Raven crawling to her friends body kept appearing in my mind.

I tried to talk to her, ask her how she is. She only shut me off, didn't let me finish. Meg had tried talking to her. Raven only mumbled a few words that I couldn't make out.

By the time we made it back to the estate the sun was setting. Raven walked into the house without saying anything, she looked like a ghost, gliding through the halls, unseeing. I knew I had to give her time, she was grieving heavily, but it hurt to watch her cut me off again.

"What do we now?" Elijah asked from beside me.

"Prepare ourselves for Raven." I whispered hoarsely. "Because when she's ready, she's going to put them all in their graves."

"Jesus." Elijah said softly.

I walked up the stairs and headed towards my fathers office. I knocked once. "Come in."

The door creaked as I opened it, my father was sitting his large desk chair.

"Where did you run off to?" He asked.

"The tracker I placed in Tyler's jacket informed us he was at the brothel, the same one Madoc went to, the same one that Olivia Gray worked at."

I paused, an imagine of a mangled body sweeping through my mind.

"We drove there as fast as we could. The girl was dead when we got there. Tyler had known about the tracker the whole time. He used her death as a warning to us." I finished.

"Raven?" My father asked, face unreadable.

"She's not handling it well. With Madoc and now Liv, she's growing further apart by the day, she needs help." I insisted.

"We are in the mafia boy, we don't get help. It is either life or death here. What Raven needs to do is focus her anger on the right people. Read through the file I gave you. If there is any hint of any location I want you to take a scouting group and check it out. Don't bring Raven, she will only cause chaos." My father instructed.

"Yes Father." I grabbed the folder from where I had discarded it that morning.

I read it on my way up to my room, looking through every note. I grimaced when I noticed my father had even written when the fingers had been cut off.

I walked onto my balcony, settling down on the chair outside. I looked across the view quickly, and then I saw her.

Raven was running into the forest, taking the usual track we used in training. I could just make out weapons covering every inch of her body, and even a bottle of whiskey strapped to her leg.

I followed her. I scaled down my balcony, landing softly on the ground and sprinted along the path she had just taken.

I slowed down just as I reached the small clearing with the treehouse. Raven was already there, throwing knifes, shooting trees, she even had a long sword.

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