Caught - 5

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I woke up to sunlight pouring in on my face. I winced as i opened my eyes and saw that i never put clothes back on after last nights... events.

The alarm clock screeched, telling me it was seven o'clock, Liv would be here in an hour.

Standing up, I rubbed my eyes as I stumbled to the bathroom, turning the shower on.

I stepped in, gasping at the cold temperature. I rinsed quickly and ran to my wardrobe, pulling out my uniform. I saw Hunters jacket, I decided to keep it, just to piss him off.

Liv called my phone, her voice screaming before i had time to process she was on the phone.

"You hooked up with Lachlan last night! Are you kidding, i'm picking you in ten so i can yell at you for it." She screamed before hanging up.

How the fuck did she find out, besides all we did was kiss, and perhaps give a handjob.

With now only ten minutes to get ready, i pulled on my uniform, strapping my knife belt to my leg.

I grabbed my bag and headed out of the door. On the way to the stairs I bumped into Jacob.

"Was that not the cheating sicko that walked out of the house last night." He asked, brows raised.

"Well he just wanted to apologise, and I guess we got back together." I said, grimacing at the words.

I felt like i had to talk to Lachlan, maybe this wasn't such a good idea when the thought of him still somewhat hurt me.

"Sure, that's what the screaming was when I came to ask you if you wanted to head out last night?" Jacob laughed.

"I was practicing for drama." I said honestly. "Liv is probably here." I quickly walked away from whatever that conversation was.

As I reached Liv's car outside I was ambushed by Ethan running at me.

"Raven, have you lost your mind, Lachlan is hideous." He faked a gag.

I laughed at his reaction, but the made my face scowl at him.

"Let's go to Yeaid's, i'll tell you about it there." I said as I opened the passenger door and slid inside.

Yeaid's was the number one coffee shop in our area, it was where us three would always go for hangover's, deep conversations or outright interrogations.

Ethan began talking about his summer none stop, but I noticed a few strange details.

"Ethan, did you have a summer romance?" I asked, putting a hand on my heart. He swatted my hand as he glared at me.

"Today is about you not me." He said, trying his hardest to hide his smile.

We made it to the coffee shop with our ear drums somehow intact from Ethan's continuous talking. I opened the door first and walked into the cafe, ordering our usual. A flat white for Liv, Cappuccino for me and a hot chocolate for Ethan, god forbid he drinks caffeine.

Ethan and Liv were settled into our normal spot as I walked back over with our drinks in hand.

"How could you take him back Raven, he's a self-absorbed prick." Liv said outright.

Only For YouOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora