Revenge - 12

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*Hunter's POV*

I snuck into the Rodriguez' house with ease. It was laughable at how easy it was to get in unnoticed. I had snuck through the back fence, dodging cameras and the few guards stationed about.

One guard almost spotted me as I scaled up the wall, entering the open window above when i ensured the room was empty.

I crept across to Raven's room in time to watch her brother leave through her window.

I smirked, that fucker was finally leaving, it was taking years of self-control to not run out there now and kill the ass. But I would likely end up dead myself.

I noticed Raven on the steps, tears in her eyes. My heart thumped as i saw her in nothing but a pair of leggings and a sports bra.

Fuck, i'm so fucked up. I looked away and pulled out the chair to her desk, pulling out a cigarette and lighting it.

She had a few papers about The Shadowed Club sitting unorganised. I shifted through them, it was mainly financial and employment documents.

I puffed on my cigarette, blowing smoke into the room.

I dropped the papers as i heard the door to the room open, and Raven stood there, shock written all over her face.

It disappeared as she lunged at me. I was ready, I slipped from the chair, causing her to collide with it, falling to the ground.

I chuckled at the sight of her sprawled on the floor, chucking my cigarette on her head. She recovered quickly, coming at me again. I punched my arm out to hit her but she grabbed it and twisted my arm around my back.

She used this to push me onto my knees, i didn't let her get that far. I rolled forward, propelling her with me, causing me to land on her.

Raven grunted with pain, though she didn't give up easily as she bucked her hips, causing me to tumble onto the ground.

She sat, straddling my stomach, only for a second before I flipped her, now straddling her stomach again. I grabbed a knife from the sheath at my thigh. I pressed it against her neck, making any movement a death sentence.

My boots pressed against her wrists, pinning them to the ground.

Raven was good, i had to admit. She had strength and stamina on her side, i didn't expect her to even fight against me.

she choked against the knife as she hissed in my face. "what the fuck are you doing in my house."

"Calm down Rodriguez, i only wanted to talk." I explained.

"Well talk." She spat.

"I think i want to enjoy this view first." I sneered.

She laughed, even with a knife against her throat, she fucking laughed.

I put more pressure on the knife and saw blood start pooling as it cut her skin.

She stopped breathing for a second, realisation shining in her eyes that she was a breath away from death.

It vanished in a blink of the eye, replaced by a determined smirk.

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