Anger - 19

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*Hunters POV*

I walked to the east wing with Raven passed out in my arms, her blood running down my bruised stomach. I followed Liv as she lead the way to a large room with a few beds and shelves stacked with medical supplies.

I wouldn't forget the feeling I had in my chest when I first saw her crumple to the ground, I'd thought she was dead. It shouldn't have bothered me, the idea that the life would leave her. But in that moment. I didn't know how to feel. I was torn between concern for her currently limp body, and satisfaction.

The nurse was sitting at her desk when she spotted Raven in my arms. "Put her on the bed." She said, hurrying around the room, gathering supplies.

I lay her gently on the bed before turning around and leaving, I needed air, and my father demeaned ai come home.

Liv followed me out. "What the fuck just happened." She yelled at me. I whirled towards her. "I don't need to tell you shit, Raven can tell you what she knows when she wakes up." I spat, tense from the phone call i just had with my father.

"I don't understand why she wants to suck your face off." She sighed, walking back into the infirmary.

"Happy birthday." I yelled after her.

Fucking Tyler Martinez had to ruin everything. I let him out of my fucking sight for one second, i should be blaming myself for not being able to keep my dick in my pants.

My father had called, he had somehow already heard of the situation and planned on coming back as soon as possible to have a word with me.

I stormed through the house to the front door, still wide open from the guests charging through. I pulled a cigarette from my pocket. I placed it in my mouth and lit it.

My car was still parked on the road, thankfully. I unlocked it and jumped in slamming the door.

I groaned out loud, this was shit. My father was going to have a fit when he comes back home, as well as Raven's most likely.

Tyler had killed all the guards on watch at Ravens house, used his men as a diversion so he could sneak into Ravens fathers office to steal documents, no doubt to do with The Shadowed Club and its profit.

The Shadowed is one of our largest businesses, taking that down would have a huge impact on my father, on us.

Raven didn't know any of this. She didn't know who Tyler was, she didn't even know what me and my father were, didn't know I was her boss in some ways.

I was about to tell her everything, she would learn eventually. Why wait any longer, yet then my father called.

In some ways I was glad I never had the chance to tell her the truth, it would ruin whatever little fun we usually had together, but the more I lied to her, the more she will end up hating me. I'm sure i'll be able to live with it.

I turned the engine on and pulled onto the road, I needed to clear my mind, yet if I went anywhere that wasn't my house or with Tyler my father would rage.

I ended up heading home, there was no information on where Tyler could have ran off to.

Once I arrived, parking the car in the garage, i realised i was shirtless, my t-shirt wrapped around Raven's thigh.

Fuck, the part two times i've seen my father i've been half dressed. This wasn't going to look good. I didn't care anymore. I walked through the house, the female servants tried not to stare, I could tell they wanted a long look at my toned chest.

A slim girl that i'd never seen before walked down the stairs, she smiled at me as she winked. I wasn't in the mood. I turned away from her and stalked to the stairs behind her.

As I made my way up to my room I heard my uncle talking to my mother in the office beside me.

"John just called, he is worried Hunter isn't on track to take over when the time comes." My mother said.

"We might have to re-think who will become heir, one of my own, Elijah maybe?"'My uncle suggested.

"I don't like the way you talk. We are not replacing Hunter." My mother defended me. She shouldn't.

That's all I heard before I turned and walked to the gym. There were about twenty other people in our gym, they left me alone as they saw the scowl on my face, they never messed with me.

I found the punching bags, wrapped my hands in cloth and started punching. Blood roared in my ears as I kept going without a break.

I felt the skin break on my hands. It didn't stop me as i watched blood soak through the punching bag. There was nothing else in this world, just me and the sack of sand. 

My father was counting on me to destroy a rouge group, if i don't find what my father wants from Tyler, it could be over for all of us. 

I hated myself as i admitted it, but I needed help. Someone that could possibly get close to Tyler, someone witty enough to out-smart him.

My fists flew in-front of me with each punch.

My brother helped me, he would have been by my side, telling me i'm a fucking idiot for letting a girl get between me and my legacy, my life.

My brother would have slapped me across the face and put me in place.

Yet my brother was dead.

My fist punched through to the other side of the bag, sand pouring out on the floor in-front of me.

I looked up and saw a few older men staring at me, the quickly found somewhere else to look as I locked eyes with them.

I pulled my arm out, using a towel to dry of my chest, slick with sweat. I grabbed a bottle and poured water all over my hands, watching as the liquid turned red with blood.

I made my way back to my room, heading straight to the shower, turning the heat on maximum temperature.

I stripped out of my remaining clothes, stepping into the scorching water. I hissed as the water hit my back, I sat down on the floor and took it. I bore it like a beating, one of my own doing.

My head hung low between my shoulders as I tried to drown out the overwhelming thoughts.

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