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vanshhhhh......riddhima shouted his name ...

vansh immidietly left her and said...

lets go to our room you need rest morever you hadn't anything till now... you have to take your food and medicine .....and see your clothes got wet because of mine so you have to change it too .....

nope ...we will sleep here today no need to go anywhere and I won't eat anything....and about clothes it is not wet at all...... riddhima spoke by touching her clothes....

vansh keeps his palm on his head and says ......plZ , i m folding my both hands infront of you plz show some mercy on your poor torn my papers i didn't say anything spilled water on me i said nothing....but now you have to accept it , i don't know anything get it .....vansh says showing fake anger ....

riddhima keeps staring him until he finished....

why are you folding your hands vansh , this is not good ...i m your wife and i should accept your every order happily and here you are requesting this is not good are my patiparmeshwar you are god for me and i should treat you like a god , sometime before you kept your hand on your head it paining???....come i will give you a good massage....

here vansh chocked .......

what happened vansh , why are you so shocked.....

i m shocked because i never expected this to you , and once you will come back to your senses you will not treat me like a will treat me like a doormat ..... and i m fine with that , plz don't treat me like a god ......he explained making a shocked face...

riddhima cutely laughs at his complaint and gives peck on his both cheeks....saying

you are the cutest vansh ,.....

okk , now if you are done can we plz move to our room plz...

riddhima , shakes her head in denial ....

vansh became irritated...he picks her up in bridal stile while saying are such a drama queen riddhima ,.....but now i won't listen you ...

here riddhima keeps punching him on his chest with her small fists ....while saying .

you bastard , you don't love me you are showing your power , leave me , i know you are powerful but this is not done ....she says while showing some fake tears on which vansh rolls his eyes and keeps moving ...he gestures maria to follow them.....

vansh makes her stand on floor while she was busy in observing her she forgot everything , she forgot that she didn't want to come here , she forgot that she was angry with vansh ....she cutely moves towards their bed ,she jumps on bed and says.....

this is so beautiful vansh , from now on this is my room ok shift your stuffs in another room...

what ??...this is our room okk , and i m not going anywhere ,...we are husband and wife we will share same room na....vansh says...

opps sorry , sorry i forgot ....saying this she moves another edge of their bed....

here vansh tries to make her understand to get down but riddhima being ziddhima how could she accept his requests easily .....she was moving here and there on their bed and sometimes she jumps.....

riddhima , your clothes are wet plz change it , or you will get cold...

after many denials she got agreed with him....

vansh , will you help me in changing my clothes .....???

he looked at her with wide eyes....a part on him wanted to do that but the another part was not getting ready for doing she was not in her senses and he couldn't take advantage of it....he wanted all these things to do with her .....but with her consent...

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