chapter -65

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riddhima's pov

for the first time in my life i m just ashamed of myself ....why the hell i didn't try to understand his care and love towards me ...yes he used to show his hate for me and i only see his hate for me and neglected his love and care towards me ....what didn't i say to him....and my behaviour i never behaved that bad with anyone the the way i behaved with him .....maria was right he has  changed himself alot ,.... Infront of society he is the vansh raisinghania who is arrogant , egoistic , ruthless mafia ..who even can't listen a word against himself .....but Infront of me he is only vansh , that old vansh who could do anything for me ....the man who never listens a word against himself didn't say a single word when i was calling him a rapist , ......why the hell i never tried to understand him ,..... because i  never wanted to see his love .....yes , he showed his hate but that time he thought i m responsible for his father's death and i know it will not be easy for him to stay with the same person  because of whom he lost his father was only my fault i should have asked him when he started showing his hate ....he has suffered alot in his life , if i had nobody then he was also all alone ..... atleast i had dadi aunty and siya beside me but he lived all alone in usa ....i remember once he told me whatever he said , he never meant those words it was just his anger and now i can feel this .....that time i thought he was just lying but no he meant each and every word , he meant when he said he loves me ......he saved me from that bastard family and their  bastard son after my that much bad behaviour towards him ....and still he thinks for me .....i called him a rapist ,i said i m disgusted at his presence  but still he thinks for me ....he still thinks for my happiness can he love me to this extent could i call him a rapist .......i didn't think for once before calling him a i have hurt him the most ,......i wish i could mend everthing but i m sure he won't forgive me .... because my  mistake is not any small mistake which can be forgotten easily.....ishani is responsible for everything how selfish she is , she didn't think about her brother , she always says she loves her bhai so much this the way loving someone. ..she only love herself ....she is just a self centered girl....i have to talk to vansh ....

end of pov....

thinking this she moves towards her room....

here , vansh comes out followed by angre and chaser ....he ordered angre not to give food or water to them till tommorrow Morning... he will decide what punishment he should give them but till then keep them like that only ......

then he moves in another room instead of his room , here riddhima was waiting for him to come... like this 30 minutes passed she was getting impatient .....then she decided to check where was he ???...she comes out from her room ...she checks every room but he was nowhere was getting very tough for her then she checks his basement too but that room was locked ..she knew he was not there means he won't talk her ...and won't forgive her ....with this she started crying ....she badly wanted to talk vansh....this was the first time she wanted him to yell at her ...she wanted him to vent out everything ..... thinking this she was going back to her room thats when something grabs her attention she stops at her place then comes back ,...there vansh was sitting on floor beside his bed his head was on his bed and his eyes were fixed on ceiling...he was looking very broken was new for her because she never witnessed him in that condition before ....yes she saw him in tears many time but it was something else he was not in tears but seems very devastated .....she feels a pang of guilt.....she moves towards him and sits on her knees  Infront of him....

here , vansh feels her presence but doesn't look at her still his eyes were fixed on ceiling ...

what is this behaviour vansh , is this the time to come at home??...and what are you doing here , why didn't you come to your room .....she asks ...

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