Start from the beginning

"What are you reading?" She motioned for him to sit next to her and closed the book, putting her hand on the page she was reading.

"'The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde'. Have you read it?"

"No, what's it about?"

"A legal practitioner called Gabriel John Utterson who is doing an investigation to figure out the link between one of his old friends, Dr. Henry Jekyll and a mysterious man, Mr. Edward Hyde." She explained, tilting her head to the side. "It's a psychological thriller."

"Not really my cup of tea." He admitted leaning back on the chair. "I prefer adventure and romance."

"'The Hobbit' and 'Pride and Prejudice'?" She teased, her mind drifting off to Antonia who could recite entire passages from "Pride and Prejudice" in her sleep.

"They're objectively good books, Claire." He argued. "The Hobbit is a literally masterpiece, you have to admit that. This man created a whole new language with its own grammar and vocabulary; it's fascinating!"

"I see your point, but 'The Lord of the Rings' is much better when it comes down to the actual plot." She retorted. "It was genius!"

"Also, 'Pride and Prejudice' is amazing, but it doesn't even come close to 'Great Expectations'." Remus pointed out, not noticing the glint passing by in the blonde's eyes.

"Estella was a wonderfully written character. Though I have to say, Pip annoyed me so much." She confessed. "He was obsessed with Estella, even though he could clearly see that she wasn't going to be interested in him romantically. The only reason he even considered becoming an upperclassman was to get her in his bed and in the process he forgot where he came from."

"I doubt Pip just wanted to have sex with Estella. He was in love with her." Remus argued, making Callisto snicker.

"In the beginning he was very much in love with her, but after some time it was nothing more than an obsession. Estella was the one thing he couldn't have, so I truly believe that the moment he got her, he would abandon her. It's all about the chase Lupin."

"Not much of a romantic?" He questioned, already knowing the answer to that.

"Bring me someone worthy of turning into a romantic for and I might have to reconsider." She retorted, a smirk tugging up the right corner of her lips.

"Very Jordan Baker of you." He noted. Callisto put her book on the table, not caring about missing the page she was on and turned to fully face Remus at the mention of her favorite character.

"Jordan was the only smart person in 'The Great Gatsby' and I will stand by that until I die!" She exclaimed, moving her hands animatedly. "Nick was one of the most boring characters I've ever read in a book. Gatsby was obsessive and too blind to see that Daisy was just using him, Tom was a pig and Myrtle was just irrelevant! And Daisy was..."

"A cunt."

"A bitch."

"That's a more polite way to put it." Callisto agreed. "The 'innocent girl who can't decide between her husband and her old love' act is so cliché! Not to mention that she told Gatsby he loved him and the moment things got hard she completely forgot about him!"

"Here I thought you weren't a romantic and now you're defending Gatsby." He mocked her. "But yes, 'The Great Gatsby' doesn't have any likeable characters."

"Except for Jordan or course! She wasn't Mother Teresa but she also wasn't a hypocrite like Daisy."

"That's true." He agreed. "But still I don't really relate to her. Must be the fact that I'm not a famous golf champion or that I don't drive like a lunatic."

𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐒 [𝐑. 𝐋𝐮𝐩𝐢𝐧]Where stories live. Discover now