13 - wedding

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It's been a month since me and Sebastian got back together. And today is Alonica's wedding. And by next week is the premier of Avengers: endgame. Pretty exciting, but right now I need to get ready for the wedding.

I wore a blush color dress and a white stilettoes. My hair was all wavy and clipped to the side.

after a while, I arrived at the church, and there were a lot of people there. Some are the Marvel productions and some are the family of Alonica and Paul's. I looked around one more and I saw him. Sebastian was there. He looked at me and smiled. 

"where were you? I texted you this morning but you didn't reply" he said while giving me a hug.

"oh! I was getting ready for the wedding, I actually spent the whole morning trying to look pleasing." I said 

"you're already beautiful doll" then he gave me a kiss on the cheek. He held my hands and then we entered the church. We sat down beside Chris Evans, Anthony Mackie and the others.

After a while, the doors closed, and a beautiful melody started to play, as the door opened, Alonica started to walked down the aisle. I can't help to be teary eyed. I mean, since we started to become bestfriends, she always dreamed about getting married and to start a family of her own. 

Sebastian held my hands and gave me a handkerchief. He wrapped his arms around my shoulder and comforted me. 
"are you okay, doll?" he asked me. I looked into his steel blue eyes, and smiled at him.
"yes, I'm fine. I'm just happy that she found the right guy for her" I slid my head into his shoulder. 

after about an hour, the wedding has ended

Seb and I just sat there, until everybody left the church. Still holding hands with Seb, Ilokked him in the eye. I placed a soft kiss to his cheeks. I don't know why but, my clingy side shows now.

"i love you" I whispered to his ear.
"well, I love you too... very much" he said.

have you ever felt too much joy? that just made you cry.

I was admiring the decorations and the flowers that was used in the wedding. 

"hey doll, wanna leave now?" he asked me. I looked around the church then I smiled at him.

"alright, let's go" I stood up, then I took his hands.

Since we were using our own car, we decided that I should get home first to leave my car and he'll follow me there.
Once I got home, I decided to bring Bucky with me. I left the house and Sebastian was already there. 

"Hi boy" he said then walk towards Bucky. He give him a belly rub and a snuggle.
"Bucky loves you so much than me." I said then pout but eventually I laughed. I picked up Bucky and we entered the car.

"We should totally go to the reception. We're running late" I said then smiled, I kissed him on the cheek.

He put his hands on my cheeks, gently caressing it. we slowly leaned and place our lips on both of us. soft lips brushing to mine. 

"I love you"

"I love you more love."

"Now, let's go to that reception."

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