10 - confession

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⚠️ Smut ⚠️ I'm not really that good at writing smut, but I hope you guys like this. Play the song, when you know, the part where it get all steamy.

3rd person's PoV

Y/N proceeded to drink more, until she was completely drunk. They were all vibbing and having together. Y/N, Chris Evans, and Anthony became the life of the party. The three were all drunk, and started doing funny things.

Y/N was singing while Chris and Anthony was reenacting the song.

The room was filled with laughter and joy.

After a while Y/N felt tired. She excuse her self to go to the bathroom.

While she was in there, her eyes became watery. She was still overjoyed. She finally has answers and she met new friends, famous ones.

But deep inside she knew that something was wrong or something was missing in her life. She wanted to tell Sebastian that, she wanted him back to her life, but she couldn't afford to have another heartbreak.

Although, Sebastian really love her, and he also wanted to tell Y/N his love for her.

Sebastian decided to follow her to the restroom. He knocked on the door.

"Y/N?" She heard Sebastian, so she quickly fixed her makeup and she opened the door.

"Yes?" She asked him with a smile

"Oh, I was gonna asked you if you wanted to go home? It's already 3" he said while looking at her eyes.

Seb was fascinated with Y/N's beauty. She was something else.

"Yeah, sure. I'm kind of tired also" she said.

They said their farewell to the others.

"Y/N it was really nice meeting you, we should hang out sometimes" Lizzie said

"Of course" she said then hugged Lizzie. "Thank you for having me here sir Downey" then she flashed him a smile.

"Of course, you're very welcome here, have a safe ride" then he hugged her.

Sebastian also said his farewell to all of them.

They both entered the car.

There was this awkward silence inside the car. They both talk at the same time that made them chuckle.

"You go first" Sebastian said. She was sober at the time, but she knew what she was doing.

"What really happened to the both of us?" She said while looking at him
"I mean, I already know the reason and all, what really happened? Why did are emotions came first, instead of asking each other?" She said. She looks outside the window, waiting for him to answer.

"I just love you that much. I didn't want to hear you saying, you fall out of love when I saw the picture, but clearly it wasn't true. I just thought that, I should move on that time. So that's why I didn't dare to message, or call you."

She nodded at his answers.

"But you knew, that I still fucking love you, right?" Y/N said, then laughed, looks like, the alcohol is starting to affect again. But you knew what they said, drunk people are the one who's honest.

"Well, I don't know, I didn't feel right now" he said then smiled at her.

"Wanna feel it?" She asked in a seductive way

Note, they're still inside the car. On RDJ'S driveway.

Before he could answer, she pulled him into a kiss, a deep one. They missed this, they missed their touch, and the scent of their perfume.

He started kissing her at her neck to her collarbone.

"Not.... here Seb" she moaned.

Sebastian stopped, and smiled

"Wherever you like doll." That nickname, she missed that, and how he pronounced it

He started the car and drive quickly.

Y/N laughed at him and enjoyed the whole ride.

Y/N constantly flirting with Sebastian throughout the ride.

When they arrived at Seb's house, she doesn't notice it at all.

Sebastian opened the door for her .

Y/N quickly kissed him and wrap her arms around his neck. Seb then carried her and still kissing her.

"Doll, slow down" Seb said while opening the front door.

Y/N kissed him on his jaw down to his neck.

They head up to his bedroom. Sebastian slowly put Y/N on his bed.

She then pull Sebastian to the bed and goes on top of him. They began kissing each other, so passionate and so deep. This is what they missed. To be in the hands of each other.

She slowly unbuttoned his shirt.

"Oh doll, what're you doin' to me. You're driving me in sane." He said.

She started kissing him again going down to his abs.

"Oh love, I wanna feel you so bad" she whispered in his ears.

Sebastian goes on top of her. He then started kissing her, his hands wandering to her thighs. His hands going in between her thighs

A soft moan coming from Y/N in the middle of their kiss

He slowly unzipped her dress while kissing her neck.

"You're so beautiful" he said. She smiled at him.

She gets up and push Sebastian on the bed.

She stripped infront of him, slowly taking off her undergarments.

She kneeled in between Sebastians knees.
Slowly opening the pants of Sebastian
Then she started to pump and lick it.

"Hmm, doll" he moaned.

"If you keep doing that, I'm gonna cum, doll" he said breathlessly.

Y/N stopped and sit in Sebastian's lap.

"You're such a tease love" he said then kissed her.

"I want you, love" y/n said as she hold it and place it at her entrance.

"Ahh... I missed you so fucking much" she moaned

He then slowly thrust. Loud moans and groans filled the bedroom.

"Yes, oh god, baby you're doing so good" Sebastian said while thrusting

"Baby, oh god, ahhh.... faster" she said.

Every move, every moan, Sebastian missed.
It was music to his ears.

"I can't hold long doll" he said

"Ahh, me too" she moaned.

They both let it out

They both collapsed on the bed, both catching their breath

Y/N on Sebastian's chest lying there.

"I love you" Sebastian said then kissed her forehead.

"I love you more" she said.

Their eyelids starting to get heavy. Slowly falling sleep. Sebastian wrap his hands around Y/N, not letting her go again.

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