7 - trouble in paradise

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I told Sebastian that I need to extend another 3 months here in Paris due to many photoshoot. He seemed upset but he understands my side. We constantly call eachother if we have time. And he even told me that he'll be having a new manager. He said that the old one resigned due to personal issues.

Every night before we sleep, he always facetime me to say goodnight or even to tell me what happened to his day.

He's very thoughtful and it made me fall inlove with him even more.

Even though were not together right now, we still love eachother and we are strong to be honest, it's our 2nd month together, and it looks like were on our 2nd year. We're really close and so inlove at each other.


Fashion week is finished. It's my 5th month here in Paris. Me and Alonica needed to extend due to other photoshoots.
Me and Sebastian kind of not talking to each other that much. I guess he was busy with shooting. Right?

Right now, I've been calling him for a while now. But no answers.
I'm literally worried sick.

I just want to throw my phone across the room.

I decided to message him

Why aren't you answering my calls?

I don't want to think any negative thoughts. I'm just gonna give up. I decided to open my Twitter. And what the fuck. What the hell is the meaning of this.

E! News @enews • 4h

Sebastian Stan's new manager, Elijah Jones, confirmed that Sebastian and model, Y/N Miller are splitsville after months of dating.

What the fuck? So how the fuck I'm gonna be okay?
I need answers right now. I can't settle on a fucking post.

I decided to stalk Sebastian's social media. And I'm surprised, I was blocked in all of his accounts. Just great.

I'm so fucking stupid to believe all of his words.

"Y/N!" Alonica shouted while knocking at the door

I opened the door. And she saw me crying and sobbing.

"I knew that something is wrong." I said to her. She immediately hug me. We sat on the sofa.

"I saw some articles about it. It was his new manager. I know this guy, Paul is one of his colleagues, I can ask Pau--"

"No. I don't want to do anything with his name involved. I just want to forget him." I said while crying.

"Hun, we have to find out why he blew you off like that. I'm not gonna watch you cry without any reasons from him."

She hugged me and comforted me all night.

"I'm so stupid. Last week, things are a bit Shakey for the both of us. We didn't even had a fine conversation. I was even blocked to all of his social media accounts."

"Wait, We can stalk him on my accounts." I looked at her and nodded.

We opened Instagram first.

There's a picture of a new girl. He seems so happy with her.

All I can do right now is to cry.

"If he's happy, then I'm happy. That's all I want him to be. Maybe he didn't find the happiness when he was with me" i said then smiled weakly.

Alonica just hugged me.

I want to cry so badly. I want to know everything from him. I want to move on with reasons.

"When is our flight?" I asked

"Why love?" She asked

"I just want to go home, as soon as possible." I said.

"Don't worry, uhmmm... It's tomorrow morning. So right now, I want you to sleep well. It's gonna be a long day tomorrow. I want you to rest love" she said then kissed me on the forehead.

"Alright." I simply said while looking at her leaving my room.

I have to take a rest, but I can't. All I can dk right now is, to overthink things.

Why did he leave me?

Why did he replaced me?

What did I do?

Is there something wrong with me?

Is my love too much to take?


"Y/N let's go!" Alonica shouted outside my door.

I packed all of my things and brought it out with me.

I opened my door to see Alonica, still worried about me

"Let's go. We don't want to be late do we?" I said and smiled a little.

She just nodded and started to walk away from me.


We arrived at the airport safe. I wore a shades, so that people won't see my eyes. I don't want them to see that I've been crying the whole night.

"Hey, let's go" Alonica said. I got up then proceed to enter the plane

As i sat there, I don't know what to expect. It's been a week since Sebastian and I spoke to each other. How can i forget about him? He became so special to me.

I slept the whole ride, don't want to think too much.

As we go down the plane, I waited for my bags. Paul showed up to fetch Alonica. While me, I'm just gonna wait for my driver.

"You guys go ahead, I'll be fine here" I told them, and smiled.

"You sure?" Paul asked. I just nodded and smiled.

Alonica hugged me tight and placed a kiss on my cheek.

"If you need anything, you can call me alright?"

"Yes yes, I promise you that, but really, I'm fine as hell"

She smiled, and they both waved at me.

It's time for me to wait for my driver.

I was waiting for 5 minutes, then a lot of paparazzi stumbled across me, asking me about my break-up.

"Y/N are you and Sebastian really broken up?"

"Y/N did Sebastian cheated on you?"

"Did you know his new girlfriend?

All of this questions are making me cry. I just answered them without mentioning him

"For now, the most important thing is that I'm happy and doing fine. Let's just respect our privacy. Thank you."

Good thing my driver arrived

He helped me with my bags.

As I entered the car, I broke down.

Oh god, why do I even experienced this kind of heart break.

About 30 minutes later. I arrived at home. Home sweet home at last. I miss my apartment. The saddest thing is that, I can remember all the good things and sweet things that happened here with him.

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