12 - keep it private?

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I woke up with a call. I looked around for a minute and gently getting up, so that Bucky won't be disturbed.

I picked up my phone, then answered it. It was an unknown number.

"Hello, uhm who's this?" I said to the other line

"Hey love, this is Seb."

"Heyyy... Love, how'd you get my new number?"

"Uhmm, I got it from Lizzie. Where are you?"

"At home, with Bucky. Why? Are you home already?"

"Nope, I'll be there at your house in a minute. See you soon, I love you"

"Alright, see you soon, I love you too"

Then the call ended.

I brushed my teeth, put on a cologne and head down again to clean some of my things.

After cleaning, I sat down at my couch and opened the tv to watch some movies.

I decided to watch 'the vow'. This movie was really emotional for me. And I love the actors here.

Then there's a knock on the door. I quickly fixed my self and proceed to open the door.

"Hiii love" I greeted to him with a hug.

"Hey love" he kissed me on the cheeks

I let him and then closed the door.

"Be comfortable, feel at home" I said then smiled at him.

"You're all by yourself here?" He asked me while he was sitting on the couch.

"Nope, I got Bucky"  i said while handing him a glass of juice. "BUCKY! come here boy" then bucky came down the stairs.

Seb's eyes widened and smiled from ear to ear.

"Hello Bucky, you're so adorable" Seb said while giving him a belly rub. Bucky jumped on Seb's lap. He then carry Bucky to the couch.

I sat down beside him and played the movie again.

"Quick question" he said. I just nodded and looked at him "do you think we should go out public? Or let's keep it private?"

Well I was surprised, I mean I love to go public with him, but not at this moment

"I would love to go public with you, but let's keep it private at the moment.  Maybe by next month or so, I just want to have a private moment with you for a while" As I cupped his cheeks to kiss him on the lips quickly.

"Anything you want, I love you"

"I love you too." Then Bucky bark at me "I love you more baby" then he walked to go on top of me. "You're such a baby" I said and kissed him.

After a while, I was crying at the movie, sobbing real bad. Sebastian laughed at me and gave me a handkerchief.

"Stop laughing" I playfully hit him on his arms.

I stood up and placed Bucky on his bed. I returned to Sebastian and cuddle with him.

"If I ask you to marry me, would you say yes?" He asked

"Well, at this moment, I would not answer that. I wanted it to be out of the blue" i said and smiled at him, he just smiled at me

"Fair enough, aren't you tired?" He looked at me

"Not that much, why?" He smiled flirty. Then I know why he asked me.

"Oh gosh, you're so horny as always" He smiled and kissed me on my lips deeply. It was a strong and passionate one, all filled with love, and lust for sure.

He's hands was going down to my back and down to my ass. Small moans coming out of my mouth in the middle of our kiss.

I started removing his jacket then his top. Oh, what a body. He started to remove my socks, my shirt. Leaving me with only my shorts. His kisses going down on my jaw down to my neck.

I started exploring his back. Deepening the kiss more. He's hands going down in between my thighs.

"Hmmm... Seb" I let out a soft moan. He unbuttoned my shorts and slowly removing it.

"We should get out of here, I don't want to wake up Bucky" he said. He scooped me and carried me, I told him my room.

He let me down and pushed me on my bed.

He took off his pants and stand in between my legs.

Slowly pulling down my underwear.

He slowly rubbed my clit in circular motion. Leaving me, moaning in every touch.
He gently put 2 of his fingers inside my core.

"Fuck.." i moaned

All I can feel is him, licking it.

"Oh baby, you're so sweet" he said and continued

"Cum for me love" he said.

"I'm almost... There.." then there I felt my orgasm.

I pulled him up, and kissed him deeply.
He pulled down his boxer briefs.

"Please Sebby" I said

He slowly entered me. Loud moans coming from me.

Thrusting so hard, tears coming out from my eyes, loud moans echoing the room.

"Oh love... Im almost" he said, as he kept thrusting fast.

I hold on the sheets.

Then I felt my second orgasm.

We both let it out. Seb collapsed on my side while catching his breathe.

"I love you" he said to me, while he was removing the tears out of my eyes.

"I love you too" I kissed him on the lips.

While looking at his steal blue eyes, I felt my eyes closing.

All I can remember was he pulled me closer to him.

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