"P-Pregnant?" she gapes, "Abby what is going on?!" she shouts over my crying.

"Niall!" I shout and she shakes her head. "H-He got me pregnant," I slide down the cabinet and rest my temple on the cold floor.

"N-Niall who? Abby you're not making sense!"

"Niall Horan!" I wrap my arms around my stomach and curl my head to the tops of my knees. "The blonde one your obsessed with!" I cry feeling a sharp pain in my stomach that I cry out.

"I found him at the bar and I went home with him and he didn't use a fucking condom and now I'm pregnant!" I literally scream. "And I don't know what to do!"

I scream out in pain and feel a sharp pain in my stomach that makes me hug my legs tighter and I couldn't even think straight.

"Abby stop! calm down!" she shouts in a shaky voice but I don't. She grabs my head and puts on her lap, but I keep my eyes in my knees. "Abby!" she shouts but I don't hear anything.

Emma Rines
She was passed out, and no matter how much I screamed at her, she never answered. I looked around the room and saw a small pink and white test near the door.

"Oh my god," I pull my phone out and call for a ambulance because she's putting stress on her baby and it's making the risk of her losing it rise. She said she was pregnant with Niall Horan's baby but that has to be a lie.

Niall Horan - the popular boy band and the one I'm obsessed with? It doesn't make sense.

I called for a ambulance and I kept her head on my lap, patting her head and tucking her long brown hair behind her ear, telling her things even though she can't hear me.

The ambulance came and they took her to the hospital, asking me for information.

"How old is she?"


"What happened?"

"I-I don't know, I came home from my boyfriends and heard her throwing up so I ran to the bathroom and then she started screaming she's alone and then cried out that a boy got her pregnant,"

"How far along is she?"

"I have no idea,"

"What's her full name?"

"Abby Grace Miller,"

"Alright, we'll keep you updated, thank you," and then she ran to the room where Abby was. I was sure she was lying when she said Niall's name, it's not possible.

No Perspective
Emma frantically waited for the doctor to give her some news and after 1 hour of waiting in the waiting room, Emma got some news.

Abby was in fact 6 weeks pregnant and from her screaming and stressing out, did put stress on the baby however, she was okay and so was the baby.

Emma was relieved she was okay and went to visit her, seeing her asleep on the bed, connected up to a oxygen mask. Her brown hair was fanned over her shoulders, eyes closed and arms by her side.

Emma's eyes fell to her stomach and then looked around the room to see a small table at the end of the white hospital bed with a screenshot of the ultrasound.

There was a very little ball that was so blurry you could hardly see it. Emma looked at it with wide eyes, it hadn't sunk in that Abby would be a mom in 8 months.

What confused Emma the most was the father of the baby. Abby claims it's Niall Horan but she could have been drunk and imagined him. Emma went to ask the doctor about how to 100% confirm the father and they said a DNA test, but Emma didn't know how to get a sample of Niall's DNA.

Emma was left on a curve ball with her best friend being pregnant with a random guys baby, and she didn't know how to help or what to do. She stayed in the room with Abby and scrolled on her instagram.

Niall had posted a few times about their new album Midnight Memories and how they were so excited to share what they had made pre break. Then she went back into his profile and went through his posts to get an idea of where he was on the break.

Abby woke up and saw the photo of her baby on the photo and she started crying again. The doctor came in and told her that she needed to stay calm from now on or it could be worse.

Abby got the thumbs up that she could leave so Emma took her home to relax. They were both just as shocked as each other. When Emma had driven them home in silence, they sat on the couch and watched TV in silence. Abby went on Niall's instagram and scrolled through and started crying...again.

She realised he was still down the road from her and she needed to tell him about his baby before he left to go on tour again.

How do you tell a celebrity you were knocked up by them?

srry ha

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