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Weiss POV

     I was taken home to Atlas after Beacon fell, today though I have been singing at a charity event my father, Jacques, threw to "help" the people of Vale. Now I am at the after party and as I look at a picture of the once great Beacon Academy, the thought of where my two beloved sons could be causes a tear to threaten to fall. After telling off a guy trying to flirt with me, I start to overhear an arrogant woman in the crowd.

Woman: If Vale was arrogant enough to not have a military, I say good riddance.

Weiss: SHUT UP! *everyone attention turns to me*

Jacques: *warning* Weiss.

Weiss: You know nothing! None of you do!

Woman: Excuse me?

Weiss: You're all up here talking about nothing! About your money, your hair, your stupid problems that don't mean anything!

Jacques: *hushed anger* Weiss, that's enough. *grabs my arm*

Weiss: Let go of me!

Jacques: You're embarrassing the family.

Weiss: I said, let go!

      I manage to pry myself from father's grip but fall to the floor, as I recover a little I see that I had unintentionally summoned a borbatusk. The summon first roared before charging at the Karen, yes I know what a Karen is, but before the summon attacked, it was shot and disappeared. Ironwood appeared with his pistol in hand as the Karen yells out.

Karen: Arrest her! *nothing happens* What are you doing?! She's insane, she should be locked up!

Ironwood: She's the only one making sense around here. Thank you for the party, Jacques. *walks out*

Needless to say, Father was very angry about what happened and dragged me to my room.

Jacques: Unbelievable! Do you have any idea what your stunt cost us?!

Weiss: *nervous* I-

Jacques: And don't think I'm just talking about Lien here! Our reputation! Our- our- *angered sigh*

Weiss: *reassured* I want to leave.

Jacques: *surprised* I beg your pardon?

Weiss: *raised voice* I said, I want to leave. I don't want to stay here anymore. I don't want to stay in Atlas anymore. I want to find my son's.

Jacques: Young lady, I don't give a damn about what you want! This is about the Schnee family name and your appatant insistance on dragging it through the mud! It was bad enough when you left Atlas to go to Beacon, but you really did it when you took in those, lab rats, as your children.

Weiss: I have done nothing but fight to uphold the honor of my family name, a name that my son's were given freely out of the kindness of my heart, and a name you married into!

Jacques: *SLAPS me across my cheek*

      I look back at my father appalled at what he just did to me and, for once, I wished my sons weren't here.

Jacques: This behavior is incredibly disappointing. You wouldn't understand the lengths I've gone to, to keep this family where it is. You think running off like your sister will make the Schnee name stronger, you're wrong. Siding with her only defines us.

Weiss: I am not siding with anyone. I'm doing what I feel is right, and that does not include wasting time with all these clueless people in Atlas. *as Jacques rolls his eyes and turns away* The Schnee family legacy isn't yours to leave, it's mine, and I'll do it as a Huntress, and a devoted, loving parent.

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