Chapter 26; I'll Prove it.

Start from the beginning

Bonnie's P.O.V.-

I waited till Stefan was out of sight, before looking down at Damon, who sat silent on the couch, sipping from his cup. "What's your problem?" I asked coldly. "Well, I'm an undead murderer, that feeds off of human blood, and loves alcohol, so the real question is, what's not my problem." He answered smirking and pointing at me with his glass. 

I rolled my eyes, "Damon, why aren't you fighting for her!?" I urged on. He rolled his eyes and leaned forward, leaning his elbows on his knees. "Why is everyone saying I gave up on her?" He hissed. "Because..?" I replied. "You kind of did."

"What do you want to hear, Bonnie? That I gave up on the kid, and that I'm sorry?" He asked, getting annoyed. "No, Damon. I don't want to hear anything, I want to see you go after her. What did you do when Stefan became the ripper? Did you just let him go?" I asked. He shrugged and rolled his eyes. "No.." He said, in a defeated tone.

"She's family, Damon. Whether you like it or not, she grew on all of us. Me, Stefan, Tyler, Caroline, Jeremy and Elena already liked her, and deep down even you know that she grew on you." I slowly sat down next to him, and he eyed me carefully, as though trying to understand what I was saying.

"Are you just going to let Klaus take family away, Damon?" I asked quietly. He looked down at his cup, He sighed quietly before standing up. "Fine, but not because you told me to, or even that I like the kid. Because, I'm almost out of bourbon, and I have nothing better to do, than to risk my life to save an annoying girl." He said before walking out of the living room. I smiled to myself, "Whatever, Damon..." I mumbled.

Damon's P.O.V.-

I didn't like the girl, Hell, I barely knew how I felt for her anymore. The best way to describe it, is imagine putting a bunch of white, folded wires in a box, and throwing that box into a shed for 10 years, taking it out and opening it. The huge mess of tangled wires is my emotions towards her. And one of those wires leads to the answer, but which one

I don't fucking know, that's the problem.All I knew for sure, was that Bonnie was right, she was family, and I can't leave family behind. I couldn't imagine losing my brother, even though he makes my blood boil, and I can't imagine losing her forever.

Me and Stefan left the next day, we were off to Klaus's house. What else were we supposed to do? Go up against a house of hybrids controlled by an original? Not likely.

I refused to knock, so I made Stefan do it. It's to weird, I hate knocking, it's like asking for permission to enter, I don't ask for anything.

A tall, built guy opened the door and let us in immediately, after eyeing us both for a moment. We were led into the living room, where Klaus smiled at us, and sat down on the couch. "I've been expecting you two, can I offer any beverages?" He asked. 

Stefan and I stayed silent, eyeing him, which he frowned at. 

"Let me guess.." He said quickly, "You came for the girl?" He asked leaning forward. "Well, we didn't come for the beverages." I replied staring at him. He frowned and sighed, "Well, I would be more than happy to let her go, but she just refuses. She doesn't want to leave, Damon." He said look at me. "You're bluffing." Stefan said. "Am I?" He asked.

Eyeing us both, he sighed. "Fine. I'll prove it." He said turning to look towards the staircase, "Lucus, get me Loralie." The tall hybrid left and walked over to the stairs before disappearing up them. Klaus turned to look at both of us as we waited. 

After a few minutes the hybrid came back down and stood in his original spot. The sound of high heels hitting the wood echoed down the hallway, we turned out attention to the stairs as she walked down them. 

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